Breast cancer diagnosis reddit

But for whatever reason, and whatever age, this sub is amazing. Note: the rules at r/breastcancer are assumed to apply here, and any actions taken are consistent with the philosophy that those in the potential/pre-diagnosis phase are focused on this hard time and come to this sub for support. Advised they found low-grade DCIS, which I understand to mean the same as stage 0 in American terms. I ended up with my arm through the hole in the table, pushing my shoulder up against the edge of the hole as hard as I could. It's after they get the "all clear" that the tidal wave of emotions/depression hits. Please don’t post unless you have been diagnosed with breast cancer or are supporter or caregiver. Canadian Cancer Society Forums - A forum sorted by type of primary cancer. She did a mastectomy of the Breast and now is at the stage where they want her to do chemo (Docetaxel) 4 hits. 77 years. Stage 1b, er/pr+ her2- grade 3 Clear margins and no node involvement. My tumour was found very early directly behind my nipple. Other than reaction to chemo it didn't feel like anything. Hello lovely people. No other medical issues. Ductal carcinoma in situ, grade 3 (some additional info) plus microscopic foci suspicious for microinvasion. So far so good. Sessions were short and commuting time was longer. This more-detailed mammogram is called a diagnostic mammogram. Has spread to lungs n bones. 47 centimeters (cm) to 1. •. I have just gone through treatment for triple negative breast cancer. Went to see my GP who referred me for an ultrasound, thinking it was a fibroid or something benign. Grade 3. Father diagnosed with cancer that made it hard to keep down food. I had mastectomy of breast. Push back if something doesn’t feel right. My MRI showed nothing in my left breast, but cancer throughout my right breast (as expected from mammogram and ultrasound). 3cm. I have seen the surgeon and he did a biopsy which revealed it to be positive for the CK7 marker. 🛎️ post your milestone. r/breastcancer is a support and information group for people who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Now I've had a BMX to remove the tumor, finished 4 rounds of chemo as a preventative treatment. Survival rates for breast cancer improve significantly. She also found out that the cancer spread to her My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer on 9/23 and has surgery scheduled for 11/1. These are all standard; it doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you. I was diagnosed with stage IV invasive I realize that everyone's journey is individual, but if you have gone through, or are still going through breast cancer, would you mind sharing your thoughts on how best to support a friend with a new breast cancer diagnosis. redderthehead85. He was already in bad shape by the time it was diagnosed with c-dif, diarrhea, and memory loss/confusion. I’m also 28, recently diagnosed with triple positive stage 3 breast cancer. Unusual nipple discharge. Hey everyone, So my mom had stage 2 back in 2004 when I was in 4th grade. If I hadn’t pushed for more then I would be dead. A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast tissue. Three Tumors in breast. All this to say…go get your mammograms. I am so thankful the doctors at Mayo Clinic took me seriously because I've been diagnosed as having inflammatory breast cancer, HER2+. I was ghosted by a really good friend (and by several family members) after I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It’s not the death sentence many fear it r/breastcancer is a support and information group for people who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. I didn't know that at the time. But without focusing too much on me, if you do feel a concern or a lump, don’t hesitate to get it checked out. If it is cancer, many breast cancers are very treatable. 6 weeks pregnant diagnosed Stage 0 DCIS. Consistent-Trifle834. The cancer has likely been in your body for a very long time. Just diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Three weeks later I had another MRI ultrasound. It had gown to 2. My port placement is on Monday and then it officially begins with chemo on Wednesday. nte52. I’m 37 and was just diagnosed with DCIS and IDC in my left breast. My coverage for long term disability started May 2022. I know none of this will actually help you sleep any better! But you just have to get through a few more days and you’ll have some answers. 003% per day increase for triple-negative tumors. Had these diagnoses even before I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. Advocate for your health. Best. I’m very new to the cancer game, I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in October 2021 and have been having chemotherapy and other treatments every 3 weeks since. While yes, I had a hard time during chemo and surgery (complications), mental illness is what got me. Sorry you’re here, but wish you well. Just found out a week ago after a bilateral mammogram that my right is just fibrotic tissue but my left is at least high-grade DCIS (stage 0 breast cancer), potentially stage 1. She did the Oncotype test and score was 41. Now my body betrays me and the diagnosis of breast cancer has rattled me to the core. A friend in my social circle hosted a party last weekend. . I just completed chemo and am awaiting my surgery. 48 years old, Stage IV triple negative breast cancer. Oncologist said no tamoxifen for me as I was post menopausal. Instead your breast will have a very sudden change in size because of swelling. It basically said “the areas that you know you have cancer look like cancer”. I really didn’t see this coming. some women only living a couple years after diagnosis even when chemo, a mastectomy, and radiation is done). This time sucks and waiting is horrible. You can google "stage 0 breast cancer" and read from reputable sites like cancer. I (47) had stage 2b (or 3) breast cancer. A place to express your concern and ask questions about potentially having breast cancer. It was 1. If you have changes or any suspicious symptoms, see a doctor immediately. Post that ask “Is this cancer,” “Do I have cancer,” “Should I be worried,” or similar questions will be removed. Yesterday during an appointment my psychiatrist recommended medicinal marijuana as a way to manage my pain and anxiety (I have a ton of pain from TDM1, and Herceptin, to the point where I take daily Percocet just to not feel like I'm dying) so I went out and bought a My mom is diagnosed with stage 2a breast cancer. Members Online Ring the bell post. I've known people to die from plenty of things including cancer. Waiting a week is not going to hurt anything. She only does this during the chemo (TC) to avoid peripheral neuropathy. Had my biopsy of the mass and lymph nodes yesterday morning. I explained what was happening, took off my shirt, let him squeeze my nipple, and got this as a response: "Well, that's weird!" I wasn't presenting any of the other symptoms associated with male breast cancer. I’ve always suffered from mental illness. I was diagnosed with stage 3c IBC with two know lymph nodes involved at the Stage 0 is catching cancer very, very early or precancer and is often just cells in the milk ducts. Patient or survivor Support. daojamie. I have a lot of feelings towards her obsessively wanting to spend time with me, but being a mom myself makes it easier for me to accept it. The time between biopsy and active treatment is usually about 1 to 2 months. I’m happy because my tumor is large so at the very least this is best case scenario, but also scared about the process this will be . Breastcancer. Reply reply. No new testing needed. Both were tested for cancer and came back negative. org - A worldwide forum for those diagnosed with breast cancer. Normal. Just diagnosed with breast cancer the 8th of Feb. Finally an incisional biopsy and we figured it out. Award. My best friend is so deeply grateful for the stories shared. • 2 yr. 30yo diagnosed w/ invasive lobular carcinoma. She got a CT scan just based on a feeling late august, and she was admitted to the hospital the same weekend of my birthday. Its goal is to provide a high quality hub for information and advice about living with a breast cancer diagnosis, whether you are a patient, survivor, or caregiver. Diagnosis updated Triple Positive. I received it today and it was positive. She was able to beat it then. I'm 41 years old. 2010 to 2020 the number of women aged 15-30 diagnosed with breast cancer increased 24% [ from 2191 to 2900]. I guess if the cancer returns, that's a symptom I will be watching for. I had a double mastectomy in April, where they learnt it had spread to my lymph nodes. You’ll find out if your cancer is estrogen/progestin positive or negative, and whee it’s growth hormone positive or negative. Good news - I’m 45! Thankfully breast cancer can be a brief period of utter shit in your life that you can push into a distant memory. I'm feeling a little lost right now because the surgeon was quite strident about my needing a double mastectomy within the next six months, because if I leave it longer than six months there Women diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer can expect to become long-term survivors of the disease, according to a recent study. Mother, in her 50s, recently diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer which the doctor mentioned tioned has spread to lungs & bone if I recall properly. The thing is, during the first one they said they weren’t concerned about the calcification, anyways back to square one and we are both pretty worried. Men almost never get breast cancer, but it still does happen and any lumps or visible signs should be further investigated. Since the diagnosis, my mom has spent every spare moment she has with me. i'd felt tons of breast cancer before (i was assisting mastectomies and got to palpate removed breasts) and this felt nothing like it, but i still managed to scare myself by googling and Slinkylynx. I was diagnosed with stage 4 triple-negative breast cancer in 2020, just a few months into the American experience of the pandemic. org, Sloan Kettering, Susan G Kormen. My mom has always been on top of her health but I can’t help but feel her doctors failed her. I had every scan possible looking for any spread. Background: Got the dreaded call back on my first mammo early last week and after ultrasound was classified as birads 4b and scheduled for a biopsy. Most cancer survivors excel during treatment and are super strong. No new biopsies. I specifically tagged this under the young breast cancer grouping and happened to notice there ages at diagnosis. At the party, she quietly announced that she is being diagnosed with breast cancer. The first initial few weeks are super hard with all of the scans but it does get better. Since I’m only 29, they are having me do chemo and radiation, along with 5 years tamoxifen. If a screening mammogram finds something concerning, you might have another mammogram to look at the area more closely. I received a phone call from her 3. I just received my breast and axilla core biopsy results. Grade 1 Stage 1b. DrThirdOpinion. Seems like it might be stage 1, but will need to have a mastectomy due to the size of the DCIS and then will find out for sure about lymph nodes. Just diagnosed about 2 weeks ago. In my early 30s. Problem is institutionalization right now would make my cancer A place to express your concern and ask questions about potentially having breast cancer. Her care team hadn't officially given her "the call," but her OB reviewed her MyChart results and told her she believed it was r/breastcancer is a support and information group for people who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Drinking lots of tea coffee and chocolate can irritate lumps and make them more sensitive. Feb 10, 2024 · Mammogram. 8mm in size. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer at 40, so they did ultrasound, mammogram, biopsies on me when they were able to schedule it a month and a half later. I’m so scared. Lymph node (axilla) - metastatic adenocarcinoma. Jun 12, 2024 · Glad she’s recovering, but I just hope anyone reading this knows that you can absolutely live longer than 6-24 months with triple negative breast cancer, especially if you aren’t metastatic at diagnosis, which is doesn’t sound like she is. After 2 abnormals, I decided to have a DMX without reconstruction and be done with the whole thing. Please though, one piece of advice. MembersOnline. I believe fatigue is a sign of cancer, especially hormonal bc. She is having complete mastectomy in 3 days. Jun 10, 2024 · I just finished active breast cancer treatment and no, nothing quite scared me into realizing my own mortality like cancer. Biggest size 3. No one in my immediate family has had breast cancer - the only people in my todayonbloopers. Totally normal, and get ready for a few tests: Mri, cat scan, bone scan, maybe a pet scan. Just met with my oncologist after cycle 4 of 6, and went back over my recurrence rates. I had a relapse in there and reset my badge. New Diagnosis and port. Diagnosed Patient or Survivor Support. Was diagnosed with DCIS last October and had lumpectomy but no radiation. Members Online Lumpectomy upgraded, tumor larger than expected. As if deciding to be sober wasn't life-changing enough, on Friday February 12, 2016 I received news that I have invasive ductile carcinoma breast cancer. Finally an answer on the Oncotype. Included because a lot of the stage 4 information is applicable to other cancers as well. All signs pointed to NOT cancer--the Dr even said, "let's get a biopsy to prove to you it's not cancer" and yet here I am. I have a 26% likelihood from dying in 15 years from BC, reduced to 9% on hormone suppressant + chemo. Changes in your breasts should always be checked. I’m 38. 1. Hi all, I am following up on a previous post I made seeking IBC success stories (see here ). 2. 5cm at its widest. I was diagnosed with DCIS today at 21 years old. After the first day, the bruise on top of my shoulder hurt more than the biopsy area. As the title says I was diagnosed with a tumor in my right breast 6 months ago. (Pagets Disease) I am truly sorry you have been going through this for years. The lymph node is negative (clean no cancer thank god) and the cancer had not spread beyond my left breast. Is it normal to wait so long to start? Her biopsy report has a grade (2/3) but they said they won't know the stage until they do the surgery (lumpectomy). Original. Rice, crackers, frozen egg muffins, boxed macaroni, bananas, milk, yogurts, quinoa, cheese, canned fruit, applesauce, peanut butter. She hasn't been staged yet, but there is lymph node involvement. Real life friend's premature diagnosis announcement. Young women get aggressive Help understanding cancer diagnosis. After my bilateral (double) mastectomy this friend has only contacted me a few times. I know it’s a lower recurrence chance, but all of my life decisions Hi there! I’m 28 and was diagnosed with breast cancer back in January of this year. 3 years later my sister (same mom different dad) passed away of unknown I felt siiick for 18ish months prior to my dx. My breast went from a healthy C cup to double D in 11 days. In the US alone from. The mammogram found a 3mm lump just underneath the nipple. The diagnosis stage is one of the hardest parts you have to go through in your cancer journey. The waiting is the hardest part. I had to push hard to be taken seriously and when I finally was, I was diagnosed with stage 3, triple negative which is a very aggressive form with high risk of recurrence. I was diagnosed with IBC two years ago at the age of 33; I was breast feeding at the time and had to push for additional testing because the surgeon said it was just a breast feeding problem. Lumpectomy on October 5th with targeted radiation Nov. Other symptoms are red or splotchy skin on the breast one breast just feels heavier the nipple becomes flattened or even I was fatigued before my breast cancer diagnosis, I assumed it was due to me catching COVID or that I was imagining it. So I’ve been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer stage 3b. The hardest thing to deal with has been the anxiety and the trauma associated with a cancer diagnosis. 3. My first biopsy involved about 10 minutes of acrobatic contortions to get my hard-to-access suspicious area in place. I have no family history of breast cancer and the fact that I even scheduled a mammogram is sort of a fluke. Am currently on a chemo that is by some miracle keeping me NED (no evidence of disease) - my nurse practitioner told me a few weeks ago that they originally expected me to get 6 months, I’ve gotten a year and a half out of this My entire life, I’ve exercised, ate vegan/organic, liquor free. Metastatic Breast Cancer. A place to express your concern about potentially having breast cancer. Thanks everyone! Archived post. Mammograms are commonly used to screen for breast cancer. Young Cancer Patients. NO CHEMO! After weeks and weeks (6 since surgery) of waiting for my oncotype score I received the results today. I have my good days and I have my bad but definitely not like I used to when I first diagnosed. Diagnosed with DCIS today. Diagnosed with Stage 2 TNBC. I'm 31 years old, super healthy, have no family history of breast cancer. • 6 yr. your-angry-tits. I'm 33. The endless surgeries, biopsies, a port that resembles a biscuit sticking out of my chest, pain and lastly all the pity thrown my way. She’s 34 by the way. Found out in May that it was Stage 1 IDC ++-. In March, different cancer found in same breast, idc. ER and PgR positive, HER2 negative. Now my bp goes up and down without the fire. Waiting for oncotype results, will take pills, recovering. We have mom suck on ice chips the entire time she’s getting chemo (TC) to minimize mouth sores in addition to mouth washes - so far so good. . felixfelicis92. one that moved around, which concerned me a bit. Not everything I normally use, but hey! I'll make room for them and they are good to have stored in times like these- I'll definitely use them all eventually. I have inflammatory breast cancer. I have my treatment plan and everything ( all the tests, pet scan, mri of breast, lab work) I know this tus the hardest part. I have been through a few "welp I'm probably going to die" dangerous or life threatening situations, and made my peace with dying in the moment (obviously I Mental illness before cancer. After that I had a surgery and 6 sessions of protective chemotherapy, still having radiotherapy. Apparently that means I go to chemotherapy prior to surgery. I’m 17 years from previous breast cancer, ilc lumpectomy, radiation, 5 yrs arimidex. Hi. When I saw my gynecologist at the end of May 2022 and told her about the lump, we also discussed my surgery in December of 2021 for a removal of a uterine fibroid and my right ovary due to a over grown cyst. Mammograms I am post menopausal, my cancer was small 7mm, birads 5, ER/PR+, HER-. Since receiving my diagnosis last week of ER+ PR+ IDC stage 2 (ultrasound did not pick up lymph node involvement) in one breast, I have been waiting on my HER2. I had symptoms for 5 months, but IBC was the unknown. It was about 3 weeks from the initial visit to the diagnosis. The positive margin was positive. There are a lot of scans and other testing that you'll have to do. I meet with the surgeon Wednesday and genetic counseling. Started on AI a week ago. At least they are doing a biopsy to be sure and not leaving you to wonder. I was having some problematic back pain that wouldn't go away, and after an eventful trip to the ER and several scans, tests and biopsies later, my world came crashing down. I tell women to try it and see if it helps them. The surgeon believed it was localised as the mammogram and ultra sound showed no spread to lymph nodes but because of extensive family history they ordered a CT and Bone scan to be sure. MBC happens when cancer cells travel from the primary tumour, in this case breast, to distant A place to express your concern and ask questions about potentially having breast cancer. Hello, I am here like many of you, because my mom was just diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer in her left breast and lymph nodes. Please share stage 4 success stories. We are still waiting for diagnostic CTs and MRI to see if it has spread (crossing our fingers that it hasn’t). r/breastcancer. I’m 30yo. But the most unique symptom that went away after surgery I turned bright red and felt like I was on fire as my bp climbed. 28 years old diagnosed with breast tumor AMA. My mother was diagnosed with colon cancer at the age of 40 and subsequently passed after 9 long years of treatment when I was just 19. Recurrence and living your life. I had breast pain and my Primary just dismissed as period related pain and this was before I was diagnosed and the tumor showed up. ) ice chips. Get ready for a lot of bloodwork. 1 to 5th. I'm so very glad that I found this reddit and that I stopped drinking because A similar 2016 study looked at growth in 323 people, based on ultrasound images taken between diagnosis and surgery over 31 days, On average, the tumors grew from 1. 1cm mass, hypoecholic, lobulated as well as at least two axillary lymph nodes with thickened cortex. I'm new here. This cancer blocks the lymph glands on the skin and the breast quickly swells. I then had a mammogram, followed by a biopsy, and was told it was cancerous (infiltrating ductal carcinoma) a few days later. I’m curious as to how common it is for calcification to be a true marker of breast cancer. My father was absent, so my family history was null to me. Like exhausted and pain. Im sorry you had to join this club. it was very firm and seemed anchored in place vs. 56 cm in diameter. Greatest linear extent: 8mm Focal extracapsular extension is present. My doctor said typically men either have fat deposits, or the lump is a cyst. Will have double mastectomy with DIEP Flap recon very soon. SO SORRY IF ENGLISH IS BAD OR ALL OVER THE PLACE, ITS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE AND IM SORT OF ANXIOUS. Everyone told me breast cancer does not have pain even the internet search said breast cancer has no pain. My mother died a month later, then my beagle (and sleepmate of 15 years) collapsed and died. nothing except a lump. Newly diagnosed with stage IV - now what? I am 37 years old, and was blindsided by a breast cancer diagnosis in January of this year. It’s something I haven’t seen addressed by any professional Ive encountered since treatment so it can feel isolating; as lf a cancer diagnosis in your 20’s isn’t isolating enough. I decided to become sober on January 3, 2016. Nipple begins to turn in on itself (nipple retraction) Additionally, there are advanced symptoms of male breast cancer too. I Am A, where the mundane becomes fascinating and the outrageous suddenly seems normal. Mom was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer few months ago. They made it clear that my age is what made them nervous and had them recommending chemo, despite my low ish oncotype. ) ice gloves and socks by suzicap from Amazon. Women are getting diagnosed with breast cancer younger. Too deep for anyone to feel, but radiologist did the same wording as the one in 2022, so it was definitely the same tumor. 5 months after my surgery on my birthday where she acted as though she had been by my side the whole time. 4. ADMIN MOD. The descriptors in MyChart were 1. 9mm in size and spread to one lymph node (found on the sentinel node biopsy three days later). I know the tumor is 3. I had an appointment with the surgeon 2 weeks later. Guided Tour & FAQ A list of frequently asked questions posted to r/breastcancer, and the best answers. I was raised by a single mother who was adopted. I’m 30 now. FNAs and core biopsies were repeatedly clear. It was tough to watch him go downhill. Brother (53) had stage 4 colon cancer. The anxiety and depression pull me in so deep, I know I should have been institutionalized at least twice. Hi : ( I received the results today, I am really worried because I think my situation is a little confusing to me back in 3/24 I had a PET scan for a lung nodule and on the PET the lung nodule came out stable but my left lymph node armpit showed reactive on Non smoker. She is ER+. Stage 4 is also known as metastatic breast cancer, secondary breast cancer and is incurable and almost always terminal (I say almost always because MBC patients can and do die from other things while having MBC such as accidents, heart attacks etc). convincethehubby. I have my first scan this weekend since starting chemo so please send all the positive vibes that you can! Below are some of the symptoms of male breast cancer that are less common, these include: Nipple becomes hard and inflamed. During the biopsy some clips were placed in the mass to guide the surgeon A place to express your concern and ask questions about potentially having breast cancer. I was diagnosed with Triple Neg Breast cancer in February. and yet I have been having all of the symptoms of IBC inflammatory breast cancer (which, plenty of the women who get this are in our 30s, and this version of breast cancer has a bad prognosis . Mood spoiler: Happy Reminder that this is a repost community and I am not the author of the posts. ago. It does have pain. Thus far she’s went through 2 doses of chemo, and the A place to express your concern and ask questions about potentially having breast cancer. Anecdotally, caffeine can increase cyclical breast pain, although the data isn’t very strong. Just found out after having core biopsy, Axillary lymph node biopsy and MRI. • 5 yr. Includes a forum only for those with a stage 4 diagnosis. Hello, I'm new here. Breast Cancer at 25. All clear. The study, published Tuesday by the BMJ, found the average risk of dying from breast cancer in the five years after an early-stage diagnosis has fallen to five per cent from 14 per cent since the 1990s. The daily growth rate based on type was: 1. To say I'm in shock is an understatement. qi gw wy kc bx jv oh hv ak eg