Eazybi create report

On the Time dimension they are grouped by issue due dates (if an issue does not have a due date then it will be counted only in All Times member). Use Time dimension in Rows. Combine multiple dimensions in one chart to create new insights and compare. Note: this script won’t return links of JIRA issue hierarchy, like Sub-tasks of an issue, as for this is used issue hierarchies. I will be much appreciated for any Ideas. The option Report template account can be enabled (or disabled) when editing a particular account (from All accounts or All my accounts page or using Edit account from a particular account): The option can also be disabled. I would like to prepare user-defined measures based on [Category. In Import report definition dialog paste previously copied one or several report definition export results. Import your data from excel, CSV file, Google Spreadsheets or using REST API, or SQL select. [Measures]. Configure Time dimension as is more comfortable, e. In reports, properties are displayed only at a particular user level. Choose multiple and click on “Story” and “Bug”, then click “Ok”. A user who creates the account is the default Owner of the account. Learn about different DevOps measures and hidden dimensions - what they are and how they work. 2 . I have tried to create a report using the following mesures but data are not reliable: Open: ([Measures]. We recommend changing the Owner of the account to a user who will be responsible for the data and user administration Nov 1, 2022 · You might want to use these measures for your report to get aggregated values. The filter will keep it in the definition. This dimension on the X-axis should show the number of MRs by the number of days. Another Dimension is Domain (Core Team, Feature Team) Then I want to create report of logged work such as: Sep 12, 2018 · I wish to create a pivot table, or just a report, that will combine these two tables. Their order (and size / value), will be driven from: Each epic that contributes to this BO (Business objective), will be contributing it’s #of story points closed (what we have in First, select the Issues cube you want to import data into [1]. If you would like to see the average Actual State Time over several issues, then you can create a new calculated measure using those Remove the measure "Last closed sprints by boards" from the report view, the filter is still active and will filter the last ten closed sprints in the report. Aggregate(. The training videos are based on data from Jira: there are a few differences in account creation and data imports, as well as some sharing options, are available only for Jira app. Best practices for report creation. 1 ), and second is a Custom format with which you can change the formatting of the measure. Parameters are report-specific – some reports have a different set of settings. Help, My Reports Are Too Slow. Usually, Measures are selected in columns and dimensions with a lot of selected members on rows. How to Create Pie Charts in eazyBI for Jira. Native Jira Cloud/DC integration. I want to create a report that will be showing some stats to management on daily basis. This script will fetch linked issues regardless of link type or direction. Jul 16, 2022 · Hello, We have to create report showing the progress for initiatives. For most reports you can select the project and a specific date range in intervals (days, weeks, months, quarters). Analyze data and create reports. Hi, The recommended way of calculating the percentage from the total is to use the “Add calculated” option in the report. First, read about eazyBI cubes, dimensions, and measures – you will need to understand the multi-dimensional data model to map source file columns to cube dimensions and measures. Sep 4, 2017 · In eazyBI advanced settings, add JavaScript ( visit eazyBI documentation for this piece of code ). Martins / eazyBI support. See more on this page: The first Average resolution days measure is default calculated measure which shows average resolution time (between creation date and resolution date) of resolved issues in selected Time period. You should have a User admin or Owner account user role for managing data access roles. To be considered done, it will be mapped to the column on the farthest right side of the board. Watch step by step training videos on how to get started with eazyBI: main concepts, data import, report creation, chart customization, and, finally, sharing reports. At the bottom, you can switch from “Single” to “Multiple” values selection. Select dimension and dimension hierarchy level from the available dimension list of standard-issue field dimensions and single select custom fields (for more details see Mapping to single value custom Jan 4, 2019 · Since eazyBI version 5. Use Age interval dimension in Rows and select the Age interval level. Oct 3, 2022 · Select the report you want to create. May 29, 2017 · If you filter the report by “Issue type” the days in transition status is also filtered by the historical issue type of the issue at the time when the status change happened. We recommend first, building a report in a Table view and then selecting a chart type most May 9, 2019 · Hi, i need to create a report that shows the following data: number of jira issues Open every day number of issues closed every day numer of issues not closed every day. Leverage Profields' data to create reports at project and cross-project level. You could first create a calculated member in “ Time ” dimension to aggregate all dates after 20th of Feb. Feb 10, 2021 · Start a free 30-day eazyBI trial to explore your own Jira data, try different reports, add your own MDX calculations, save your reports, and create some dashboards. 1), you could try customizing the column names in the report (see gif below). After the import, a new issue hierarchy is created. For an issue to be considered still in progress, it will be mapped to the leftmost board column. Define a conditional formatting rule with an alert for the measure from table report or chart and subscribe to alerts. Best, Ilze / support@eazybi. Dashboards and reports visible to non-Confluence users Custom Reports, Charts, and Dashboards. [Transitions to status issues count], [Transition Status]. SMARTEN UP. This is an easy way how to share eazyBI reports with other users in your company and manage who can view the reports. Report context. The report looks like this (ignore the meeting count line, my boss just wants a table that will show the other status numbers): All SAs would be all issues of type “Advisement” or “Advisement Then you can visit a different eazyBI account where you wish to import one or several exported reports and click Import reports [2]. There are several ways how to share created analytics, reports, and charts with your teammates, colleagues, partners, and customers. You can create a simple test execution report to quickly see the overall snapshot of your test execution results. You can publish reports on eazyBI Dashboard , any web page using iframe, post them on big screens using the Jul 13, 2021 · janis. In data import options, for custom field Feb 28, 2019 · Another way to solve this would be by creating a calculated measure that would return the number of issues created in a specific time frame. CREATE REPORTS. Then you could create calculated measures to calculate the number of issues Sep 27, 2019 · While there is a possibility to add a dimension simultaneously both in rows/columns and pages since eazyBI version 4. Even if the Jira dashboard A powerful and flexible Business Intelligence and analytics app for Jira – adapting to growing reporting needs for organizations of all sizes. Use them wisely and your reports may become pieces of art with different layers of information. You would like to use some measure representing date for your Gant chart; any first two date columns will be drawn in the Gantt. Page dimensions. Many issues, low granularity. Mar 13, 2018 · For example, to get created and resolved issues in the particular year by issue type and assignee for a particular project you may create a report like this. These stats includes Date, SOD(Start of the day), Logged (current date logged issues), Closed(Current date closed issues), EOD(End of the day, means SOD+Logged-Closed). You can set one or multiple rules, the first matching rule will be used. We have a process where we assign Support tickets to Dev pods for investigation, and these assignments can change based on the results of the Dev discovering the issue source. Analyze Jira standard and custom fields, current and historical data Feb 23, 2024 · I suggest that you check our demo account report “Average age till resolution”. How can I take an existing report I created in one project and copy it to another? fabian. Sep 30, 2021 · At RadBee, we help many Jira Service Management clients to create valuable eazyBI reports for monitoring the performance of their customer service teams and generate specific and targeted analysis toward their goals. [Ticket Open]) Closed: ([Measures]. eazyBI for Confluence is a business intelligence tool and you may use it to analyze data from other data sources and files as well. Sprint in Pages for filtering the needed Sprint; Transition Status in Columns at Status level. Oct 17, 2022 · Issues can either be marked as “Done” or “To Do. When eazyBI creates sample reports then the top 3 projects are automatically selected. Similarly need to show some statuses date wise like how many issues are at level 2, level 3 and Jun 15, 2022 · In this use case to create a new issue hierarchy, in the eazyBI data source import options field “Improvement” and “Feature” needs to be selected for importing. Please see the documentation to get a complete list of measures eazyBI generates for each numeric custom field: Jira custom fields. Switch to the Timeline tab and select the Spline option. After importing data from Confluence, go to tab Analyze and start to explore data by looking through Sample reports or creating New report. [Issues resolved] Oct 26, 2020 · Copying reports to other projects. The main attribute of any Gantt chart is Start and End date. Select the checkbox to import Xray data and after the next data import, Xray-specific measures and dimensions will be available for your reports. Notice that eazyBI dashboards and reports will be visible according to the eazyBI Account user's access rights. You may check out the sample reports folder “Sample Jira issues” in your account - there is a Nov 20, 2020 · In eazyBI you can easily compare your Tempo hours planned vs hours spent over time side-by-side in a simple bar chart report. If you would like to select only some statuses and some types of findings, you can use the same dimension on Rows/Columns and on Pages. 1 you can now easily access data also from Tempo Planner on all platforms–Cloud, Server, and Data Center. The measure is grouped by issue creation date on Time dimension. com. Tips: Use at least one numeric measure in the report, to bind your data together from different perspectives (dimensions). A report gains added value when it is shared with customers or within the team. [Issues created] Publish Reports. But the true power here comes from using one or more dimensions in page filters. Feb 15, 2017 · Let’s take a look at a few Xray reports you can build with eazyBI. After that, filter the rows of the report by this measure to be greater than zero. It uses simple formula: CASE WHEN [Measures]. Specify one or several rules [2] to detect cells that should have different text or background color, or use a bold font in the column or row. You can try to create charts using demo Sales cube. Dashboards and reports visible to non-Confluence users When you add new users or groups to the account you need to specify their role: Owner can manage users, import source data, define common calculated members and measures, and create, update, and delete any reports and dashboards. Learn more about Sample reports and how they are built. This example will show how to create Gantt charts with Jira data. Let’s see if we can still improve this. You can specify additional filters, for example Xray Test Plan, Test Environment, Test Set, Time period, or other Xray dimensions. The relation is: each user who logged work belogs to one userCategory. " Monthly" to see how many issues were for each measure at the end of each Month. Apr 9, 2021 · Then, in the report, you would use this dimension to group Issue Sub-task members; parents and their sub-tasks would be grouped by the parent’s issue types. But since eazyBI version 6. Visualize, and analyze all your data using many chart types and share reports with your coworkers. This report displays how many open issues were at the end of each time period (months in this case) and what was their average age of open issues at that time: Jan 10, 2019 · Planning eazyBI accounts is crucial for larger organizations. In Pages, select the dimension "Project" for filtering. [Transitions to status Publish Reports. See more about options that are available when you create a report. 3, there is an option to drill into measure by another dimension that gives more freedom to combine different types of information in one report. Jun 25, 2019 · Combining eazyBI with Profields, project managers are allowed to: Read information from Jira and use it for Business Intelligence. Set Time dimension as pages to filter data by year Jul 12, 2023 · The custom data mapping allows the creation of calculated fields with Javascript: Data mapping. If you are only interested in Stories, you can add Issue Type filter in Pages. This option offers several standard calculations in the report, and percentage from the total is one of them: You may check the documentation page for more details on this topic: Apr 7, 2021 · roberts. On this page: Drag dimensions to columns and rows. When Oct 6, 2023 · Then select “epic” level from the “Issue” dimension in report rows. Mar 9, 2021 · Hi we are trying to create a new report in EazyBI from JIRA to look at epics (issue type) with a filter criteria using Target Start Date which is an issue property. This page describes calculated measures and how and when to create them. And as you already found, it is possible to create new calculated members in any dimension to rename default members. com , and we’ll help you out! Here you will find the main steps on how to start analyzing your uploaded or imported data and create and save reports. If there will be any warnings, please review them and confirm that you would like to continue with report Create template account. May 3, 2019 · Additionally, one easy way of creating such a report in eazyBI would be by using the Issue dimension / Epic level. See also. Cycle Time = average time it takes from starting an issue to completing an issue. eazyBI is a powerful tool, providing easy-to-use drag-and-drop creation of custom reports, charts, and dashboard gadgets. How to build it. Before creating your own report, you may want to explore some sample reports as a way to see what's possible with eazyBI. See the picture below: A dashboard page with all critical reports about the specific business area can provide a quick overview of the current business status and key performance indicators. eazyBI provides a report result export URL that you can use to execute the specified report and download the report results: Please replace the JIRA_BASE_URL as well as the following parameters: When using eazyBI for Jira Cloud then use the Embed report action to see the account_id and report_id of the report (replace If you have installed Xray Test Management for Jira then in Jira import options, section Add-ons, you will see an options Xray. The measure is the treasure! First, build a report in a Table view and then select a chart type. If you would like to share your reports on some web page using iframe or post them on big screens using wallboard option, or send via email, first, create dashboards in eazyBI Mar 13, 2020 · For the report to display relevant issues based on other dimension filters in pages, add a measure, for example, “Issues created” to the report. Finally, you can remove the measure “Issues created” from the report. Select the % percentage format for this measure. DateMembersBetween('Feb 20 2019','today') ) May 20, 2019 · I need to create report which would aggregate logged work into custom user categories (eg. Episode 3: Start building report. There are several ways to create reports with tuples. pdf. cacus April 13, 2021, 7:26am 2. You can also try these steps in the demo Sales cube. CurrentDateMember) and looks for the previous month based on that. [Issues resolved] > 0 THEN. How to keep track of your planned and logged Tempo hours more efficiently? Apr 27, 2020 · Welcome to the eazyBI community! To create a report you are looking for you need to have Issue change history measures and do the following steps: Select Story Points History from Measure dimension. Mar 11, 2020 · In such a case, I recommend creating a new post. Overall Xray Test Run Results. In one eazyBI account, you can import one or several Jira projects, create reports, charts and dashboards and give access to selected Jira users and groups. eazyBI should define several measures for imported numeric custom fields representing different activities of the issue. You can use Pages to filter out data in Another app (eazyBI for Confluence) is required to publish reports in Confluence pages. As a pointer to a direction to look into, please see the predefined calculated measure “Running Story Points velocity for 5 closed sprints”. You can use data access roles to: limit access to report folders and dashboards, and/or limit access to Select Cell formatting [1] from the column or row header, the table options. Jul 11, 2022 · SamIaM July 11, 2022, 10:58am 1. Tests were loaded with links (relates to type) to processes. eazyBI in Confluence pages. e. In case of any struggles or questions, drop us an e-mail at support@eazybi. I think it’s very similar to what you are looking for. Mar 28, 2022 · Click on the measure Story Points remaining in the legend and select option Add calculated>Linear trend. Status] Dimension instead of calculating “Caregory” based Status Name. Built-in Jira Service Management reports often do not bring you the perspective you are looking for. This will add a set of reports created by eazyBI and will enable to have a first look at your data in eazyBI. plume July 15, 2021, 12:18pm 2. There are To create an eazyBI account you must be: an eazyBI admin or Jira System administrator on Jira Data Center, a Product admin or Organization admin in Jira Cloud. Beyond Confluence Data Analysis. It would work the other way around - selecting the "Component" level in the columns and the "Project" level in pages: You can read more about that on the eazyBI documentation page Tuples can be useful when creating new calculated measures to calculate results for a specific set of members from dimensions, even if dimensions are not used in the report context directly (rows/pages/columns). 5 issues resolved / 10 issues created - progress 50% (“issues in Create nice-looking and insightful reports in eazyBI using improved features–cell formatting, sparklines, and others. Calculated members and measures. Ok, now you’re able to generate your own report with the required information and filter it. You can create a new condition for your “Days in status” measure: CASE WHEN [Measures]. Then define Sprint Story Points guideline representing the ideal guideline on how to burn committed points between the sprint start date till planned end date: Dec 1, 2020 · Import Lectura 1 and Lectura 2 as measures. . [Month]. With EazyBI, you can quickly generate reports that provide valuable insights Conditional report alerts. Report creation is quite a complex process: additionally to understand the particular business case and reporting needs, you have to think about how to achieve that goal using a particular reporting tool, eazyBI, in this case. Slides: Paint-With-Your-Data-in-eazyBI. Oct 16, 2019 · Issues Resolved = total number of issues transitioned into the “Done” status. You can upload data from Excel and CSV files to eazyBI and then create reports, charts, and dashboards from these data. For example, to compare the results from the filtered report context with In this video, you'll learn how to create insightful reports in EazyBI for Jira. First is our newest formatting option, Text->Markdown (available on Cloud and starting from the eazyBI version 6. To build this report start with table view and i n the Measures dimension select measure Average resolution days and unselect default measure Issues created. Sample reports are created automatically if this option is selected in Data import. Publish Reports. [Total resolution days] / [Measures]. You can select one of them in the report. I need to know the Lead Time which would be from, in my case “Open” to “Done”. How to Create Custom Tempo reports in Jira with eazyBI? eazyBI has had integrations with Tempo for a very long time. The result will be a PIE (or a list) of all the “business objective”. Here you will find the main steps on how to start analyzing your uploaded or imported data and create and save reports. Time required: 30 minutes. To build this report start with table view and in the Measures dimension select measures Issues created, Issues resolved, Average resolution days and Open issues. To access and retrieve property values, we recommend creating a new calculated measure using MDX function get(). You can define conditional report alerts in eazyBI reports and charts to receive an automatic email when an alert on a measure is triggered (entered or exited). On this page: Mar 28, 2023 · To create a measure that counts issues created in previous months and resolved in the current month, please consider using Descendants. Epic progress should be calculated based on issues in Epic created and resolved, i. To set an account as a template account, you must be a Jira or Confluence admin or eazyBI admin. If you don’t want the measure to appear in the final report, you can filter the report rows by this measure and then remove it. Add Time dimension in Rows at Day level. You could use date properties. Go to the Analyze tab and follow these instructions. Then specify to which dimensions you would like to map the imported data [2]. Set Issue Type dimension and Assignee dimension as rows. Describe calculation steps or specific logic using MDX (multidimensional expressions This tutorial introduces you to the main eazyBI chart types and shows exactly how to select data for these charts and change chart options. For example, using this functionality, you may combine execution results by result statuses and executed test count by test type in one report: Dec 17, 2019 · Hi, You would need to define the issue link through eazyBI advanced settings using Jira link directions (inward vs outward) from the linked issue viewpoint and there you can specify also issue types (for example, only those linked issues that linked to Y type issues). If you prefer video rather than reading, you can watch the first 3 episodes of training videos to catch up on the main concepts: Episode 1: Introduction to eazyBI. There are two types of measures, predefined measures (created by the eazyBI app) and calculated measures (user-defined and report-specific measures created by you and other eazyBI users ). Select measures Issues created and Issues resolved and set them as columns. Now, to create a sprint report: Go to the board you want to analyze; Properties. For example, use Lectura 1 created and Lectura 2 created for this report. The progress should be calculated in the following way: Initiative progress should be calculated based on epics progress. Select Template account [1] to import reports, dashboards, and calculated measures defined in a common template account. Sep 10, 2018 · Hi, If you use the latest version of eazyBI (at least 4. Template account. Together with standard Issues created (total number of issues in Epic), Issues resolved and Issues due measures it would show the progress of Epic. Interactions allow shaping report layout, focusing on specific data, seeing data from another perspective (drilling across other dimensions), and adding standard calculations. ”. It would be essential to understand the report building blocks, measures, and dimensions, before you start creating eazyBI reports. This For example, a User dimension member can be a person (user) and the property of each user can be an address (string), age (number), date of birth (date). Quickly discover new insights and opportunities with all your data at your fingertips. This Report results export API. Limitless custom reports, charts, and dashboards across all projects, teams, and departments. MDX. Internal user, External user) based on the relation of user and the userCategory. Create eazyBI dashboards. Sep 1, 2020 · In eazyBI, there are two interesting ways on how to format measures to get a different appearance. 0, this won't work correctly in your use case. Consider these 3 project groups: General accounts. And create a new calculated measure to divide Issues resolved by Issues created to calculate the completion %. To maintain the optimal performance, scope, and relevance of your reports, consider splitting your accounts by purpose, project, team, country, or any other meaningful characteristic. Counts Issues resolved. You can upload data from Excel and CSV files to eazyBI and then create reports, charts and dashboards from these data. eazyBI will add a new measure to the report Linear trend Story Points remaining. [Day]. Then you are using Type of Finding on Columns. There is no difference in the report results whether you select a dimension in the report rows or columns; it affects only the report layout. Now you can evaluate how your plans are holding up against actual logged hours for each team, project or account. [Time]. There are two ways how to apply those rules [3] : you Dec 21, 2021 · The first report uses two dimensions Status and Functions to Rows. The report “Issue custom hierarchy improvements” is based on the configuration above: Aug 26, 2021 · Learn more about report publishing on our documentation site. It works but I need to group the results by the Dec 6, 2023 · Hi, I am quite new on Easy BI reports. There is only one Owner for each account, and this role can This will save the new report and leave the previous report as it was. Create custom reports, charts, and dashboards with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop report builder. "Issues created" measure is the total number of created issues that match selected dimension members. Specifically : The project has multiple types of issues but I am concerned with the following as of now : Processes and Tests (zephyr) Processes were loaded. Open the Account users page under the account name and go to the Data access roles tab, where you can manage data access roles. g. to create a new report [3], open another report [4], rename, mark report private, delete report, Export and import report definitions, or embed reports in other HTML pages or publish on wallboards [5]. Is there a way to do this? For example we want to see all epics with a Target Start Date of less than or equal to 3/31/2021 and a Target End Date of greater than or equal to 1/1/2021. Tests were assigned to multiple folks in Issues due (or unresolved) are issues that do not have resolution and resolution date. Feb 18, 2020 · I need prepare reports from dozen Jira Projects which have different set of statuses and different workflows. Use Priority dimension in Columns and For example, a User dimension member can be a person (user) and the property of each user can be an address (string), age (number), date of birth (date). 6. You can also check or uncheck some of Xray-specific custom fields for Select the option "Import sample reports" to get a set of reports created by eazyBI and have a first look at your data in eazyBI. It calculates the average of resolved Story Points for the current sprint and four previous closed sprints of the same board. If the database connection and license information were correct, then the eazyBI database will be created as well as the first eazyBI account (with the default name “Jira reports”). Step 2: Select Your Report Parameters. Kindly, You may move Measures [2] to rows or pages while you can't remove them from the report altogether. First, add the dimension to either columns or rows and then add to pages from there . Aug 30, 2021 · Hi, I am new to eazyBI and I am trying to create a report that shows a monthly total count of issues that were in a set of custom statuses within a month grouped by another set of types of issues. You can use export/import definitions. When the sample report is created in eazyBI, eazyBI automatically selects the first project with report measures for filtering. Hello, I need to create a Traceability report . Lead Time = average time it takes from creating an issue to completing an issue. eazyBI_Markdown1784×974 208 KB. lim October 27, 2020, 6:12pm 2. more. May 11, 2020 · Learn how to create a new report in eazyBI using the drag and drop options and by combining measures and dimensions. Unfortunately I can’t find way how to extract Category status from Issue. There are also other report actions in the report header toolbar, e. brianpatrickjackson October 26, 2020, 3:07pm 1. [Issues resolved]/ [Measures]. Description in the below reports contains: as well as related Feb 7, 2023 · Hi, @VNRajuVallabhaneni. Feb 22, 2018 · Hey, I am trying to create a report where I track value changes of a single select custom field. Create new tables, charts, reports, and dashboards with just a couple of clicks. First of all, Create new account Excel and CSV file upload. Enjoy the visual cues of different kinds of charts. Read more about them here: Descendants For example, this formula takes the month from the current date ([Time]. To create a time status report, you need to use historical measures and dimensions: measure “Days in transition status” or “Average days in transition status” together with the “Transition Status” dimension. eazyBI for Jira. Dashboards and reports visible to non-Confluence users. Hi @Paul1 , Try removing the Time dimension from the report columns and adding the measure “Issues with due date” to the report. eazyBI reports are responsive; users can interact with a report while creating or editing it and when it is published. The owner is the main contact person for this account. Episode 2: Import data into eazyBI. Once you have calculated the days between MR creation and closing, you can create a dimension from the new column. Imported Sample reports depend on which apps you have in your Jira. [Issues created]>0 THEN <your current formula> END Martins / eazyBI Create a data access role. Hi all, I would like to create a report to display the number of sub-tasks linked to each parent task. sk oc gp ra xu tu tm oi hi vp