Inno setup check if string is empty

If you want the uninstaller to delete keys or values, you must include one of the uninsdelete* flags described below. We compile all of Inno Setup's projects under Delphi 10. Install Embarcadero Delphi. Now I need to find a way to check if a new version is available and if it is available it should be installed automatically over the already installed version. ). Result :=. With Java 6 and Above. The registry key doesn't have a name, it just has "(Default)" in Regedit. Hence string. Also see Setup Exit Codes. begin. If we’re at least on Java 6, then the simplest way to check for an empty string is String#isEmpty: boolean isEmptyString(String string) {. If the shortcut is missing, I need to generate the shortcut. To get the path from where the setup was executed you need to extract it from the {srcexe} constant. At the beginning ( InitializeSetup event function ), check if the application is installed already (see GetUninstallString in the code below). if QueryServiceStatus(Service, Status) then. The MemoDirInfo parameter for example contains the string for the Selected Directory section. From the help file: A " {" character is treated as the start of the constant. Those strings and shortcuts are declared in ISPPBuiltins. i: LongInt; hWnd: LongInt; IsUpdate: boolean; bCancel: boolean; CallName: string; Pascal Scripting: CreateInputDirPage. So set def to -1 and if your string is not a number it will return -1. function FormatPathString(str : String) : String; var firstThreeChars : String; charsAfterFirstThree : String; tempString : String; finalString : String; dividerPosition : Integer; begin firstThreeChars := Copy(str, 0, 3); //First copy the first thee character which we want to keep charsAfterFirstThree := Copy(str,4,Length(str)); //copy the Apr 11, 2017 · As per Inno Setup Help using the shellexec command: The file will be openedthe same way it would be if the user double-clicked the file in Explorer. Feb 4, 2023 · 2. Jan 19, 2021 · return true if Python is installed and version is correct} function checkKey(regpart: integer; key: string; version: string) : Boolean; var. And because there is no such function built-in in Inno Setup, you'll need to have your own one. 1 or newer, you can use the built-in function ComparePackedVersion. try. Then it came to the port's checking and here I've Description. Jul 24, 2014 · For windows 2000, xp versions you can use telnet command, if win 7, vista, the telnet is not enabled by default, the user needs to enable it from control panel or you can use pkgmgr /iu:"TelnetClient" to enable it thru command line. Retrieves string from specified file's (first argument) version information resource. But if you're checking for empty string, as per the question, I think nxt's is the best. txt in C:\program files\ABC, otherwise in D:\TEST? Can I write something to connect to [Files]? Because I also want to use check path when installing files, if I can combine [Code] and [Files] it might be easier for me. Find pv ( REG_SZ) at the following two Mar 5, 2019 · I want to search specific substring (e. Argument 1 must be the name of the INI file, argument 2 – the name of a section in the INI file, the third argument is the key in the section to read. Then the first two slashes mean match all of the following, in our case space(s). When the flag is specified, Inno Setup collects a separate list of empty directories that need to be explicitly created during an installation. Comments. @numerah If IsNull({Table. Jul 30, 2015 · You can call the WinAPI function CLSIDFromString and check (at its failure) if the returned value was not CO_E_CLASSSTRING (which stands for an invalid input string). These are the wizard pages of my Inno Setup installer: Window 1: Window 2: Window 3: Window 4: Window 5: My issue is with wizard page 4. Reads the value from an INI file. SWbemLocator wasn't working for me when I was testing my installer on Windows 7. Otherwise, it returns False. In fact, part of it I got from here, which was in Inno Setup, for checking valid GUID. Dec 2, 2015 · My Inno Setup script is used to install a driver. But, the problem is that it can only do the Checking correctly if the given String List is sorted or its strings don't have spaces. If it is already present, it must not be created again. procedure RegisterPreviousData(PreviousDataKey Nov 20, 2018 · Is there some wildcard characters for Inno Setup? I am trying to go through string and if there is some value that I'm searching for, the program should return 1 (I'm using Pos() function that already does what I need), but my problem here is that the part of string that I'm searching for is not static, so I need some wildcard character like May 23, 2019 · Inno Setup Disable Next button using multiple validation expressions (when input value matches one of multiple values) 2 Inno Setup remove/hide/disable the NextButton on a custom wizard page Mar 4, 2024 · To be able to contribute to Inno Setup, clone your own fork instead of cloning the main Inno Setup repository, commit your work on topic branches and make pull requests. Paste this excerpt inside your script before the procedure/function which will call this "split" procedure. "1234" in "ABA1234") in these files. If it is, ask user, what to do (see MsgBox use in the code and the first screenshot). Values[0]) = '' then. md. So overall, the code does: If x is not an empty string, set Result to True, else set Result to False. Using InnoSetup 6. 6" [Code] function InitializeSetup(): Boolean; var InstalledVersion: string; VersionDiff: Integer; begin Result := True; if not RegQueryStringValue( HKCU, 'Software\My Program', 'DSVersionL4D2', InstalledVersion) then begin Log Apr 1, 2016 · WbemScripting. 8 runtime is installed on a Windows computer. But the comparison with string. Jan 16, 2014 · You can check for IsNull condition. This is actually in Delphi, but should be easily implemented in Inno Setup as well. To extract the path from a file you can use the ExtractFilePath function so putting this together you can get something like this: S: string; S := AddBackslash(ExtractFilePath(ExpandConstant('{srcexe}'))) + 'File. Jun 15, 2016 · 4. With both boolean values for MyProgChecked , I don't get the prompt. What I'm doing right now is: [Code] function InitializeSetup(): Boolean; var. The difference between string. The resulting string is empty if FileName contains no drive and directory parts. 3. ISPP also has GetStringFileInfo function, which also can be used to retrieve . See CONTRIBUTING. I'm not precisely sure if I get your question right, but well, for writing a single Check parameter function for different component entries you will need to have an input parameter by which you will distinguish between those components. If AAppendDir is True, the value of If it needs to be done at the beginning of the setup, use Exec() in the PrepareToInstall() or CurStepChanged(ssInstall) event functions. Result := (Serial <> ''); WinHttpReq: Variant; Apr 21, 2014 · 1. Takes a string argument which must be set to the name of the file whose version information is to be queried. OnKeyPress event. LPStr is an Ansi string – an equivalent of AnsiString in Inno Setup and string in the Ansi version of Inno Setup. Is this standard behaviour? Should something be displayed to the user? Suppress this page? This is my script:; Script generated by the Inno Setup Script Wizard. Though as @mirtheil commented already, replacing a string in a text file can easily be implemented in Pascal Script: Replace a text in a file with Inno Setup . { Check if key exists } RegKeyExists(regpart, Key) and. Service := OpenService(Manager, SvcName, SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS); if Service <> 0 then. Jul 22, 2010 · As the Inno Setup documentation for the [Registry] section states there is a way to append elements to those: On a string, expandsz, or multisz type value, you may use a special constant called {olddata} in this parameter. 1. Workarounds: 28. #define MyAppVersion "2. Enabled :=. It seems odd having this page look like that. For example, When it tries to install a file that is in use, it will show a message to abort/ignore/cancel. NET version is installed. You can for example use IsAppRunning function from the answer by @RRUZ to How to check with Inno Setup, if a process is running at a Windows 2008 R2 64bit? in InitializeSetup event function. It runs my InstallDriver. Either from some external library, or e. This optional section defines any registry keys/values you would like Setup to create, modify, or delete on the user's system. Returns an empty string if the file does not contain valid version info. MsgBox('Error, a compatible version of the program is not present, the plugin cannot be installed', mbError, MB_OK); if not CompatibleVersionPresent then. So I only need to be sure the users will be able to run: java -jar my-app. Is this even possible? It should look like this example: This is my ini file: [Users] user1= Prototype: function StrToIntDef(s: string; def: Longint): Longint; Description: The StrToInt function converts the string passed in S into a number. The resulting string is the leftmost characters of FileName, up to and including the colon or backslash that separates the path information from the name and extension. See Inno Setup: Conditionally delete non-empty directory in user's home folder; Side note: Do not use ExpandConstant('{code:Function}') is Pascal code. Feb 26, 2019 · 1. You will need just to declare another variable just for your StringChangeEx function call and typecast between ANSI & Unicode string types: var. 8 runtime installer exe file. NET Framework. You can use a /SERIAL= command line parameter, but InnoSetup doesn't support this as one of its standard command line parameters, so you'll have to do a bit of Pascal scripting. I found this article describing all the different registry things to check, and wrote a function around it. jar. Formatting is controlled by the format string Format; the results are returned as a string. May 26, 2021 · The expression x <> '' means: the (string) variable x not equals an empty string. 1 is used. Sep 22, 2017 · 4. Converts an expression to string. The preprocessor code generates a Apr 17, 2017 · 19. Returns a string composed of four decimal numbers delimited with periods. Empty and "" is very small. There is also a good article on how to apply that in Inno Setup’s Pascal scripting language. It expects version numbers in binary format ( Int64 ), so you first have to convert each version using StrToVersion from string to binary format. For each check function, may include a comma separated list of parameters that Setup should pass to the check function. Feb 28, 2020 · It is less elegant. There is a good Stack Overflow answer that covers this, though the Microsoft docs page is more likely to be up to date. To prevent the user from typing a space, filter it in TEdit. If you cannot modify the application, you need to code the check for running application in Inno Setup. I need to ask the user to restart in some cases according to the value returned by InstallDriver. g. Inserting this code for a custom script should do what you want: // Indicates whether the specified version and service pack of the . Mar 4, 2017 · I'm trying to install the most current platform (x64 or x86) appropriate Java Runtime Environment via Inno Setup (along with another application). The accepted answer should be using ===, and if str is null/undefined, you Mar 4, 2020 · If you cannot modify the application, you need to code the check for running application in Inno Setup. Prototype: function StrToIntDef(s: string; def: Longint): Longint; Description: The StrToInt function converts the string passed in S into a number. – Jul 17, 2015 · First you need to determine what registry key to check to see if your . Sep 9, 2015 · if Manager <> 0 then. // do something. Count - 1 ); end; This returns True if the Specified String is same as all other Strings in the specified String List. It contains a value '14. For those situations there is specific set of functions. For a specific setup, i need the foldername (without the path) of the {app} constant with a inno-setup script. There is no need to escape the } as it is only used if inside a constant. Result := Status. You may want to extract file extension, file path, file drive, file name or e. {olddata} is replaced with the previous data of the registry value. These are both after the user has said "go ahead, install" but before anything else. It uses the preprocessor #sub directive, which allows using native Inno Setup syntax to generate the Registry section, instead of constructing it using a preprocessor expression. Feb 28, 2021 · In this guide I will walk through how to get the . . [Setup] AppMutex=MyProgMutex. 7. But for what you described sounds regex a bit heavy. I've found some script examples for how to detect the version and install if correct and adapted them to my needs but I keep running into this: Unable to open file "path\to\JREInstall. May 3, 2023 · An empty string is a string that has no characters, while a null string is a string that has no value assigned to it. This is better than downloading the full installer since it only downloads the files it needs for your Dec 2, 2018 · UnmanagedType. An exception will be raised if an invalid format string is specified, too few arguments are passed, or if any arguments are of the wrong type. Pascal Scripting: ExtractFilePath. This should be one of the predefined strings. RemoveDir(ExpandConstant('{userdocs}\Games')) end; end; Now it is fully working. function CreateInputDirPage (const AfterID: Integer; const ACaption, ADescription, ASubCaption: String; AAppendDir: Boolean; ANewFolderName: String): TInputDirWizardPage; Creates a wizard page that contains edit boxes and Browse buttons for selecting directories. RegExp Windows automation object. The file that Inno Setup need to read looks like: Formats the series of arguments in the open array Args. Field}) = True Then // do something or if you just want two parts (true or false), you can try the IIF function Jan 9, 2020 · However, there are actually numerous different scenarios to check. If it is your application, make it create a mutex. Another quick test for a string to have something in it but space. May 23, 2017 · Since you've decided to use a common version string pattern, you'll need a function which will parse and compare a version string of your setup and the one downloaded from your site. The other parameters contain the (possibly empty) strings that Setup would have used as the setting sections. from inno you can check the windows version and run the commands accordingly. Currently it tries to install . The resulting string Apr 24, 2019 · So, as title states, I'm creating a complex installer of the server application that has to check local IP address and choose a open port, so that the application could be properly configured. Then you can use AppMutex directive, which works even for uninstaller. What I want to do right now is to check if java is present before proceeding with the install. Closest language to Inno Setup Pascal Script is Delphi (in which is Inno Setup written btw. NET 4. Starting with a code from: Inno Setup - HTTP request - Get www/web content, you will get something like: // Presence of the CheckSerial event function displays the serial number box. If S does not represent a valid number, StrToInt returns the number passed in Def. Apr 3, 2013 · Life cannot be simple ;-) I was thinking about such flow like: Find number position (as it is unique) and then read the {} chunk after the number and extract InstallDir string from the chunk. return string. Call Function directly. Jun 20, 2016 · This one works just fine on Inno Setup Scripts. Mar 4, 2014 · To expand on @Slappy's answer:. And yes I checked 'Quartus Version' is not empty itself. iss. The special case is that the version number is in a file with other data. Length == 0 will be even faster and the better way to check for the empty string. dwCurrentState. Comments may be embedded in an expression by using a slash and an asterisk. isEmpty(); } To make it also null-safe, we need to add an extra check: boolean isEmptyString(String string) {. Dec 9, 2016 · To check to see when a database (SQL Anywhere) is fired up and ready to receive requests I am outputting the database message window to a log (text) file and then Dec 8, 2013 · 3. OpenSCADRegKey = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Void is compatible with integer and string in expressions. But probably a way more readable, particularly to someone not experienced with Inno Setup preprocessor syntax. Since parameters of LoadStringFromFile as well as of StringChangeEx functions are declared, they expect the exact type to be passed, so there's not much to do with it. MaxLength property. 6. use the VBScript. Dec 16, 2016 · The language that is used by Inno Setup scripting engine is based on Pascal and at least the general syntax you can learn from Pascal language. Just use this implementation of ValidateInput: function ValidateInput(Sender: TWizardPage): Boolean; begin. 0 from the installer it has every time instead of checking if its In my Inno Setup installer I need to make sure a shortcut to a certain file is present in a folder. Break; end; if not Result then. NET 5. // But here we accept any non-empty serial. Nov 26, 2014 · Result := Result or RegKeyExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'Software\Wow6432Node\Program\' + CompatibleVersions[I]); if Result then. But how can I do if user is administrator, then install A. function ExtractFilePath (const FileName: string): String; Extracts the drive and directory parts of the given file name. if CurUninstallStep = usPostUninstall then. Description: Returns the length of the specified string. Empty will not create any object while "" will create a new object in the memory for the checking. Note that Result is a special identifier used to set a return value of a function in which it is used. 5. If the first directories in the path do exist, but the latter ones don't, ForceDirectories creates just the ones that don't exist. String. You can also modify this onto a function, if you desire procedure Explode(var Dest: TArrayOfString; Text: String; Separator: String); var. Inno Setup by default does not allow With use of RegQueryStringValue function and CompareVersion function from Compare version strings in Inno Setup (your question), you can do:. Last optional argument can be used to provide the default value that will be returned on failure, if it is omitted, an empty string is returned. Allowed parameter types are String, Integer and Boolean. In conjunction with string, void operand is treated as an empty string. Mar 23, 2017 · My installer should check at the beginning if the user has admin rights but It doesn't seem to work. For example, you have a form where a user can input their name. function PrepareToInstall (var NeedsRestart: Boolean): String; Jun 8, 2022 · I have the following . This function is only called if Setup was successfully run to completion and the exit code would have been 0. NextButton. That makes no sense. I have referenced Inno setup search for existing file, but it's a little different from my question. installedVersion: string; begin. Apr 21, 2017 · I'm trying to remove ALL SPACES from a string in Inno Setup, here is the code: S := '4 0 : 8 D : 5 C'; StringChangeEx(S, ' ', '<q>', True); Check installation procedure OnSerialEditChange(Sender: TObject); var. It works in 3 steps: Run the bootstrap installer in quiet mode, which will download and install the . dll stdcall'; { This function allows us to get us the length of a string from a PWideChar } May 23, 2020 · I need a global string variable in Inno Setup, that is going to be initialized in [Code] Is it legal to deposit a check that says pay to the order of cash Oct 9, 2012 · 10. Setup uses this string to indent settings. The name of the shortcut is arbitrary and not under my control. iss script to compile a games launcher I'm working on that uses . Inspect these regkeys to detect whether the WebView2 Runtime is installed, and to get the version of the WebView2 Runtime. May 3, 2019 · Description: Creates all the directories along the specified directory path all at once. exe in section [Run] because there's no way to monitor it's return value. Searching the file in C: drive (and possibly any other drive, as an user may choose to install a software anywhere else) is doable, but can take ages. I'd suggest you instead check for an existence of the SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OpenSCAD registry key: const. if [[ -n "${str// /}" ]]; then echo "It is not empty!" fi "-n" means non-zero length string. // as the online validation can take long. Otherwise the result is the value of the expression. 0'. exe after this file was copied during step ssInstall. Jun 3, 2015 · Just to expand on @Remy's idea. Calling the built-in StringToGUID function is not reliable as it raises exception from which you're not able to get the reason of the failure. There is a list of constants used in the Inno Setup below: {app} – the installation folder that the user selects on the Select Destination page of the wizard; {win} – Windows OS directory. txt'); if FileExists(S) then. Not to mention Jun 28, 2016 · The InitializeSetup function is called when the Inno Setup executable is run. When your application can create a named mutex, you can simply set AppMutex directive to the name of that mutex and let the Inno Setup do what installers usually do, they check if there's a mutex of that name and ask the user to exit the application (they don't forcibly terminate it behind the user's back). Result := True; if Trim(Page. The first one is FloatToStr function, which is undocumented, or the official way of using Format function, which gives you much better flexibility in specifying format that you want. Getting local IP addresses was not a problem, this solution helped me a lot. If it is not installed, I run the . By default, registry keys and values created by Setup are not deleted at uninstall time. Inno Setup 5. S: string; begin. Mar 21, 2022 · Using Inno Setup, I'm trying to check to see if the . to check if the user is administrator or not. dll stdcall'; procedure CurStepChanged(C Dec 30, 2013 · Inno-Setup checking file location prior to installation, then using it during installation 0 InnoSetup: Pascal script for cancelling setup when file/folder exists Oct 10, 2014 · 9. Jun 1, 2020 · 3. For The installer or uninstaller converts constants to their literal values, depending on the user choice and system configuration. AppVersion=1. The following function encapsulates all of this. Returns True if successful, False otherwise. Indeed, Inno Setup does not support uninstalling components. NET Framework is installed. String parameters may include constants. – RobeN Aug 18, 2017 · I'm creating a Inno Setup installer/updater for my application. Nov 4, 2014 · Let me show you the code first: RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\Altera Corporation\Quartus','Quartus Version',QR_ver); Result := True; QR_ver should contain the value that is inside the 'Quartus Version' but instead it returns an empty string. I could get all path now: FilesFound: Integer; FindRec: TFindRec; Stemp: String; FilesFound := 0; if FindFirst('C:\Path\oem*. NET 5 runtime to download and install on-the-fly in an Inno Setup installer. inno-setup. The length limit is easy, use TPasswordEdit. Then the third slash is followed with the replacement (empty) string and closed with "}". Use FileSearch . According to Microsoft , you can check the registry at a certain location and look at a certain value to see which specific version of . But you need to check explicitly for spaces in the end anyway, because the spaces can also be pasted from clipboard for example. exe. For example, you can use addition operator with void and integer operands, in this case void operand will be treated as zero. exe executable is in a search path. // open service with the only required access right needed for this task. If user chooses to update the existing installation, proceed normally. inf', FindRec) then begin. exe": Jan 16, 2022 · The resulting string is the leftmost characters of FileName, up to and including the colon or backslash that separates the path information from the name and extension. If the expression is void, the result is an empty string. Third optional argument should specify the language and charset identifier. I wrote mine to check for . 2345; S := FloatToStr(Value); Jul 5, 2015 · Here is the full code: procedure CurUninstallStepChanged(CurUninstallStep: TUninstallStep); begin. Although it should be obvious from the answer, you want to check for NULL as your first check, since Crystal Reports is picky about handling nulls. From the Pascal script documentation. May 21, 2022 · If neither regkey exists, or if only one of these regkeys exists but its value is null, an empty string, or 0. Anyway, to answer your actual question: If you want to scan the Inno Setup: Selected Components entry, you can use this function: S: string; Nov 2, 2022 · (based on How to get an output of an Exec'ed program in Inno Setup? Though there's more efficient way to check if docker. Click here for the Inno Setup help documentation. And you can use regex in Inno Setup. Jan 8, 2024 · Empty Strings. Jul 27, 2015 · I would like to check MD5 of a file with this code: [Code] var MD5Comp: string; procedure ExitProcess(uExitCode:UINT); external 'ExitProcess@kernel32. If the expression is integer, the result is its string representation. Feb 26, 2017 · How can do that in Inno Setup? Is there any way to use socket in to Inno Setup? MsgBox will not shown if output is empty. When the setup is installing 2. I only know which file it needs to point to. You can escape the { by doubling it. Jan 8, 2014 · 1. 4. See Components and Tasks parameters for examples of boolean expressions. relative path. edited Nov 22, 2022 at 20:20. // and query service status. Feb 14, 2014 · I'm trying to get the install directory of an application from the Windows Registry (Google Sketchup in this case) with Inno Setup's Pascal scripting so I can install a plugin there. function InitializeSetup(): boolean; var. When "installing" the empty folder, the call to the CurrentFileName simply fails. function GetCustomSetupExitCode: Integer; Return a non zero number to instruct Setup to return a custom exit code. Examples: ExtractFilePath('C:\foo\bar') => 'C:\foo\'. So I took a different approach and connected to the WUA (Windows Update Agent): Feb 3, 2021 · Inno Setup will show different message boxes to the user. { try to get version string } Mar 18, 2015 · I believe this is a bug in Inno Setup triggered by the createallsubdirs flag. NET is installed. It's important to differentiate between the two, as they are not the same. key, versionKey: string; install, release, serviceCount, versionRelease: cardinal; success: boolean Feb 17, 2014 · There are at least two options I can think of right now. This means that I cannot put InstallDriver. When writing Pascal scripting code for InnoSetup, how do I extract a substring? It depends. function NextButtonClick(CurPage Aug 21, 2016 · CurrentString := CurrentString + 1; Until CurrentString > (StringList. If you want to use that actual character in a place where constants are supported, you must use two consecutive " {" characters. I'm creating an Inno Setup installer for a jar app. So if in the wizard for the 'Select destination folder' the next folder is selected: C:\ProgramFiles\MyAppFolder, i need 'MyAppFolder' in a variable to use in the setup script. 0, this means that the WebView2 Runtime isn't installed on the client. Here is an example of FloatToStr function: S: string; Value: Single; Value := 1. empty is better in memory management. Use the same code as in: Inno Setup - Create User Input Query Page with input length and format limit and use the input. For checking of installed components, I'd rather suggest you to check for existence of files corresponding to the component. Jul 22, 2020 · I would like to add my components and the selected user from the ini file to the Ready to Install page. 0. Mar 29, 2019 · See Inno Setup - Check if file exist in destination or else if doesn't abort the installation; Use MsgBox function for confirmation. 2 Sydney. Along the lines of Martin's answer above, I believe it works because shellexec spawns a new process which picks up the environment changes, unlike if I launch the application as a child of the Parameter Space contains a string with spaces. In code something like: [Setup] AppName=My Program. 2. { store the returned value to the local variable to avoid multliple calls } S := GetSerialNumber('-'); { enable the NextButton only when the serial number matches either first } { OR the second serial number string } WizardForm. Mar 5, 2020 · PWideChar = Cardinal; { Inno doesn't have a pointer type, so we use a Cardinal instead } { Example of a function that returns a PWideChar } function GetCommandLineW(): PWideChar; external 'GetCommandLineW@kernel32. Second argument is the name of the version info string-value. up zz ni ob sk qn hd ag ar sb