Just came back from a long hiatus and decided to try out ffxiv again with the free game time I have. Dungeons require 1 tank, 1 healer and 2 DPS. 195 parties can be made out It doesn't have a daily roulette so it's pretty dead outside these events. This was the endgame content of that given expansion. you can also see if there's a party finder group that's running it as a learning party. What is matchmaking trying to do here? Is it because my account is new? I just reached 100 hrs on unranked and the problem still exists. You're still going to have the post-release long queue, but I don't foresee it being an issue that will last more than a couple weeks thanks to the new timer. Jun 28, 2017 · Final Fantasy XIV received an increase in players last week after the release of its latest expansion, Stormblood. I won’t be online earlier anyway as I work til 7-7:30pm everyday. Moofurìon-bleeding-hollow July 3, 2023, 10:53am 2. mentosman8. 6. Jul 23, 2021 · Image: Square Enix. By comparison, Nier has the double advantage of aesthetic appeal, and being Yoko Taro cross over content. Older content queues weren't longer than new content 3. I understand long DPS queues, but I haven't had anything this bad. This rise in the number of players means some of the game’s servers, a. (Totally made up numbers, but making a point) You are just waiting your turn to play with the tanks and healers. The authentication server checks things before letting you go to the server you want, and it will usually takes a few seconds for you to pass threw due to that. Just the nature of it. 15. Hi all! Sorry if this has been asked before but I've tried to queue up for my first go at Eden Savage and all three times I've waited about 40 minutes before having to give up! I'm queuing up for "practice" mode since I've never run it before, and I'm just wondering if that's a standard wait time or if something is going on. EDIT 1: WELP AFTER ALL THE COMMENTS. dps que is always long. Make a PF if you want to do them. Yes, you're missing a healer. Nobody queues for that in duty finder. As for main story quests. When it comes to alliance raids, tank queue will take longer than dps. You can also sometimes unsync/unrestricted runs but that can often cheapen the raids by making it way too easy. 1 Like. Login queues work the same way to your brain, the trick is to have a wait long enough to trigger this mechanic but not have it be so long that you just give up go play something else. First of all sorry if i misspell anything. Queing individually without preforming would probably be faster. Earlier today on November 30, the Got randomly disconnected trying to get into the Level 65 dungeon. Arcanist is a good class to level because post 30 you get a mage class (summoner) and a healer (scholar) and as long Rhayla Kaata. Came back to dota2 after breaking for 4 years. Extremes will always have a longer queue time since most people do them via the party finder. Developed and published by Behaviour Interactive. Game Director and Producer Naoki Yoshida has apologized for the long FFXIV login queues, explaining that the uptick in the game's popularity is stretching the MMORPG's server hardware to the limit. Tank queues are long for 24mans but 3 hours is totally abnormal. the revival discord hosts various queue events to concentrate the playerbase at certain times to help the queues pop Roulettes help to fill queues regularly, since they incentivize veteran players to regularly run old content, which shortens queue times overall. I'm gold with a 48% winrate in solo and 50% in flex. Queue time, on average, has been about 2 hours at queues at around 4k. And DPS wait times usually seem to be 10-15 minutes for some content lately, but this all depends on your data center, though all data centers should be roughly the same in this aspect. there are some communities that arrange times for playing the hidden gorge mode - search this subreddit or google for 'Revival Wings'. a alliance raid party composition is of 3 tanks, 6 healers and 15 dps, so which such numbers, tank is the one with the lowest demand while dps has a lot of slots, anyway this is a tipical trend, when a new alliance raid happens, tank players proceed to complain about long queues even tho that role has the lowest number of slots per alliance raid It is very simple in regards to abilities (think most classes have 12-14 skills including ult and sprint) and easy to pick up and go imo. As long as I can eventually play the freaking game. People are still sleeping or at work and those who aren’t have probably Last. Raids/a. Fucked up the matchmaking. a 0:55: SB Hildibrand complete. My solo queue time is above 25 mins while my friend queue time is 5-10 mins. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! The queues lengths are unacceptable. Adding a healer and 2 tanks also helped, but the roulettes are the biggest thing. As for why duty finder takes so long, it's just a matter of DPS/Healer/Tank ratio. So I guess your problems might be time related (if you are starting to queue at the end of the peak) and proabably duty related. • 10 mo. Risu64. Peak hours are like 2pm-12am. its much worse when you are trying to queue for specific dungeons for the story and not just roulettes. Ninja Lv 53. Turned out i had my steam settings for downloads on usa. It's totally possible to get decent queue times as a DPS. during the middle of the season, queues tend to die off for ranked, mostly for lower ranks where everybody in them either climbs out or gives up. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Apr 18, 2022 · Secondly, check your Datacenter active time hours. Lastly, it's a level 70 one which means anyone lower than 70 can't queue into it in the roulette. Extreme + Savage = Party Finder. As people mentioned, there are more damage dealers, so each time a tank and a healer is being selected, a few DPS can be matched. 52 minutes is on the long side but you should probably expect around 30 and be happy when its less. But yeah, weekday, day time, non-CT alliance raid queues are brutal. I have the quest "Lord of the Hive" where I need to do the That way you can get them out of the way quickly without having to worry about queue times. Does anyone know why…. Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game in which four resourceful survivors face off against one ruthless killer. Online. Behavior score is 10k. While doing some quests, I had the occasion The dps queues will stay long. The Voidarch series and all others past it are entirely optional. With these queues taking around 35 minutes. the game autokicks people who are truly afk after 30 minutes. So my high level characters are both tanks, and i recently started to level up a DPS (archer) and the duty queues are sooooo long, then i tought it might be a good idea to enable other languages on the duty finder, but i wondered it would be "rude" to speak english on the other languages duties. That's the longest stretch. Whenever i play competitive, the queues times are consistently around twenty minutes and it makes the game extremely boring. You can try to list in party finder to get a full group of 8, for alliance raids it can help but still requires 24 people doing the raid. If the disadvantaged team is occupying the crystal, then overtime will commence, and will continue so long as that team doesn’t leave the crystal unoccupied for longer than 3 seconds. 1 Tanks usually have an instant queue for most content since there are so few of them queuing for anything. For an explanation on server status, please refer to On World Classifications. You should use party finder for anything that isn't a dungeon, story trial, 24man raid, normal 8man raid. Players fully committed to staying till everyone got what they wanted every time. Mentor roulette helps with that. 1 and they've added several more since then. . start a fresh 1-10 run, ask if those people you match in with want to keep going until 60+, keep queueing one after the other until you clear 60. I JUST REALIZED I HAVE BEEN QUEUING FOR THE WRONG ONE!! So this is what wasting 7 hours of my life feels like. If you want (near) instant queues, you need to play the following: SS: Healer. Dead hours are generally from midnight through 6 am or so PST, with queues picking up again after daily reset 7 AM PST, so make sure not to queue for Frontlines during those hours. The icons next to each World name indicate the server status. If you are in peak hours and in Party Finder if you're mount farming put that in the title. That's a 3-4 hour+ wait time to get back into the game. • 3 yr. Thanks for all of the responses, I did eventually get in, in turn 1 and it seemed laughably easy. An hour or so yeah, I get. Those queue times are unheard of nowadays even for Top 500. Originally posted by cypher: Hey, i used to play wow before this and i used to find dungeons so quick, but in this game even playing as a tank the duty finder takes forever to find me a group. People have to queue specifically for that raid. Final Fantasy 14 has been shattered before, but not by its own players. Andrey-d. If no players of the disadvantaged team are within the crystal’s bounds, then the match ends. Each alliance raid has 3 tank slots but 15 dps slots. ago. 1. If you want to lvl dps, the advice I can give you are: Try to queue closer to the peak time and/or Insta queue times ftw. But you can't fill a DK into the Healer role in WoW. FM-101. That is at least my experience. They boot midday so all the overnight afkers are kicked so there's no big queue later in the evening. If you’re queuing for Extreme Trials (including Odin), Minstrel’s Ballad (Extreme-level), or Binding Coil, then yes, long queues ARE normal, which is why we don’t use Duty Finder for those types of fights. If you really want to do them with other people, you can usually catch a break around 4-5PM CET once people start coming online to do their daily roulettes. 50 minutes for an uncommon HW extreme trial sounds about right. If you act surprised by the queue upon relogging, you're not understanding why it's happening in the first place. Lastly i've waited around 30+ minutes for alliance raids particularly the Void Ark raids. Barely anyone queues up for those on duty finder and instead just do them unsynced via party finder like you've been doing it. Take your queue number and divide by 75 then multiply by 2 and that's a decent estimate of how long you have to wait unless people literally don't log off your server. Healer queues are so long [Discussion] On EU world's just waited for ramuh hard for story as a white mage after 30 mins (had 2 tanks 2 healers and 1dps in the queue I was a healer solo queuing) I gave up lol because getting really late (2am) Even if it's very low population, the server only lets a number of players in at once. This also gets you 4 new trials and minions/cards/bardings for any collectors out there. the best times to queue ranked are always at the start of the season, and at the end where people scramble to get final placements. I’m experiencing it going from near instant queues to 10-15 minutes on aether. I understand the servers are congested but this is ridiculous. EW raids have the advantage of current relevance, so people want to queue for it. By: Robert N Adams. I started a new account in iron and notice something about Ques and might be coincidence, But when I win a game my Q times are 1 min and when I lose a game its 2-3 mins. The main reason is that you are queueing up for old optional extreme trials. . But if you pull one more group before I even get there, I'm gonna turn this instance around! Seriously though, gimme a second to grab aggro before you guys go balls out. Depends on what you're queueing for, and at what time. Final Fantasy 14 is ramping up for the launch of its new Endwalker expansion. that's 39000 people in a single group, and even if 2% of those people are looking for a duty that's 780 people to match. There are a couple reasons why your queuetimes are so long. I suggest doing these on weekends when more people are online and just proceeding with your MSQ. Queue times are like 2-3 minutes max on the most populated servers during primetime. That's it, a few sec toa few dozen of secs. In normals sometimes they queue me with people above platinum 2 (the highest being a grandmaster with 130 points). Typhon. Vote. It is still anywhere from 2000-3000 people long on any given night for me. then next time just do 51-60. So I've mostly had issues with deep dungeon queue times whenever i queue with a friend. Dec 24, 2021 · FFXIV: Endwalker’s login queue is thousands of players long during peak hours. It's often instant queue time with my tank. Instead, make a Party Finder. g. Hey everyone, I just started playing around a week and a half ago, and just finished all of the 2. 6500-7500 users per server, and I think its 6 servers a duty group. There are way more dps jobs than heal en tank jobs. There are lots of players for sure, but most of them just stand still somewhere and don't move at all. Archived post. if you see someone on the same spot for more than that then the player is not afk, it's just doing stuff that doesnt require moving. The queue happening right now is the authentication queue, not a queue because the servers are full. I am bronze 1 in 20 games now. So the queues have definitely improved since Endwalker release. Reply. I created a new account. Even the developer’s best efforts may not prevent it from worsening. Queue time isn't all that long, especially if you are playing healer or tank and success rate is much higher than party finder. This will subside in a few weeks. So far, I have been waiting 2 hours and 25 minutes. Avoid Leviathan server like the plague. CT often ends up being the common denominator for those in the roulette. Reconnect - 4,000 people in queue. Also, if you play on a JP server, make sure you enable the J in your Duty Finder, which will allow you to queue with Japanese players, and the the queues are much quicker because of this. I expect long queues because I'm on Balmung. For as long as PvP queues have existed in FFXIV, players from the exact same Grand Company have anecdotally reported large variations in queue speed, possibly due to still-poorly-understood factors. If you're playing a DPS you'll likely have better queue times playing a tank or healer. DPS usually wait the longest for a queue. Weird, not even 2 months ago ALL the floors where "Less than 5 mins" or 10 mins tops and it wasn't hard to go My DPS queues haven't been so bad lately, but they can be pretty long because the game needs to find a minimum of two at any given time. Getting to level 15 is the easiest because the hunting log and fates are actually efficient at that level and you can smash the hunting log out easy. The reason this happens is because there can only be one tank, two healers, and the rest DPS. Roulettes. Dec 6, 2021 · Published: December 6, 2021 2:06 PM /. 1M subscribers in the ffxiv community. They do not give you a reason to run things like that more than once at all. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. And I know your all ready to get in there and slice some mobs up. Nov 30, 2021 · Final Fantasy 14's development team has warned of long queue times for servers and provided limited workarounds for the upcoming Endwalker expansion's launch. 4 quests Thanks for being indepth with your reply. The queue timer might say 25+ minutes but it may not actually take that long, especially if people see their role is needed and start jumping in. I play across two servers atm, Light (EU) and Crystal (NA) and I never have to wait more than a couple of minutes on either, even at peak times. You get synced down, so while you're at the highest possible ilvl for the fight, you are still doing endgame content. My main is a 53 ninja on Typhon datacenter (JP) though I'm living in NA. Obviously a big queue exist right after the boot, all the nonafk players are hammering the login server to get back in I understand queues are high, I understand why they are high, I don't expect to be prioritized in queues, I literally just want to be in the queue AT ALL. If you want to join a particular dungeon (ussualy leaning to over 20 minutes but in luck can be much shorter) would be longer wait time than a leveling roullette (around 5 to 15 mins). Sometimes, no one knows why your queue is so long. If you left, consider how many other people have left too - and once people start leaving, the queues get longer and other people start leaving too. I was just having a discussion not too long ago about how I don't understand why it takes so long to queue for anything really. If I'm farming gear from a dungeon, I just login with my tank and queue to it. Rival Wings is basically playable only during moogle tomestone events and Revival Wings community events (not official SE events, they're run by players. Many factors contribute to FFXIV’s login queue. Electrical-Job-9824. Because basically noone's manually queueing for them, and you only need 1 new player (of which we have many right now) queuing for any of the crystal tower raids to drag 23 innocent players queuing for the alliance roulette. •. I got into the game yesterday, but we failed. How's the login queue right now? (Queues and Errors, Patch 6. HW raids are part of the free trial so people will queue naturally, and CT raids are all MSQ requirements, so 1 "overnight" queues are a bit longer (as one 4am player to another, I feel you). Main Class. Mornings and late nights are low 10 to 100 queues. If you're having a hard time getting in. • 4 yr. Next, it's because this is a harder one that people avoid by cheesing their iLvL (equip weak gear in the roulette and you can only get CT). If you're starting from scratch and just want to blow through it to reach the Endwalker questline for the relic you're looking at a little over 3 hours. and as the mode needs 48 people, it takes a long time to fill. ) On Tonberry everyone seems to try to get a shout group, rather than DF, so the queues take a lot longer. I suspect you already know this, however. Since tanks & healers have the privilege of near-instant queues, it's more difficult to find a place for the three of you together as a preform, essentially waiting for an entire alliance to Smaller player base/you're playing in nonpeak hours. r/ffxiv. World. alot of people remove their gear before queuing in order to go to lower lvl raids. I just started leveling a dps, my wait times are usually 5-8 minutes! I’m honestly surprised. Anywhere from a few weeks to months. Most people on EST are long asleep, and its getting late for PST players too. But a lot of it may also depend on the time of day. FFXIV is a Final Fantasy RPG first. Trials don't give any rewards, outside of the trial roulette, so there is no real reason to run them, even when they're required for something it can easily be done unsynced, and thus Trials tend to suffer for it. However, if there is a shortage of e. Honestly, the longest stretch is getting to level 15. found the problem now. its normal that on Mornings on working days the queue times are longer. If someone's not doing it regularly the memory gets fuzzy. c) Matchmaking issues. Queue times for me as a dps to get into a dungeon have been taking around 15-20+. As others have said, I hear a few other places have consistent low wait times however if you’re home is Gilgamesh it’s still rough during those hours. Queue times for tanks are going to be abnormally long right now because asmongold is leveling a tank and so all his fans coming over are leveling tanks. soo that’s why ive been playing only with smurfs. Why is my queue time so long? Complaint. A dungeon group is 1 tank, 1 healer, 3 dps. 02. Dec 13, 2021 · While we don’t have a way of gauging interest in Endwalker on FFXIV’s launcher, we see that the MMO is still hitting player peaks of 90,000 on Steam each day (thanks, SteamDB). CommunityGeneral Discussion. Wait and try again between 7-9pm. 8 healers, and 50 dps. It needs some incentive to get people to queue. Mentors aren't as bad as the memes make them look. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Sort by: Stuntman06. The mix of players in queue for dungeons is like 1 tank, 0. Thirdly, DPS will always have longer queues than healer and tanks. Just something I notice. This was implemented shortly after Endwalker because the login queues got so long due to so many people logging in at once (and retrying) the servers were basically DDOSed by players, and would crash and lose your place. Also, some servers are more populated than others; thus, on worlds like Gilgamesh or Hyperion, a login queue makes reasonable sense. I'm on a new world, a level 88 Ninja. just queue as them as well and you will get insta groups. Why not just let people fast track with more XP if they are in smurfQ. Make sure crossplay is on if you're playing on console. MembersOnline. (10 minutes +) Lastly, especially for people on the EU or JPN datacenters. Short answer: It's an old game, only getting older. Dec 7, 2021 · FFXIV Long Queue Times – Why is the FF14 Queue Not Moving? Many players are posting on Reddit and other forums about long waiting times and how the FF14 queue is not moving. Keep me in there for 30 fucking minutes because paying customers are joining ahead of me, totally fine. However, EW is in its twilight period r/ffxiv. Getting a T/H to queue with you (or queueing as one yourself) can significantly lower queue times. • 2 yr. They first rolled out in 2. Depending what I'm queuing for at end-game, I usually am looking at 5-10 minute queues for DPS as long as it's current content or roulettes. raids/trials are rarely tied into, or even mentioned in the MSQ (afaik), so you're not missing out on anything. 3. Until SE can get their hands on stuff to make more servers, or until people get pissed off and just call it quits, the login queues are going to be a pain in the ass. It gets people to be wherever they need to be faster. usually its saturday evenings. Alliance Raid Queue Too Long. [deleted] •. Partial Maintenance. Award. Its 6am in the morning on a Mon. It starts slow and is a slow burn, but pays off. This looks like an off-hours queue - like 2 AM local time. So there you have it. Healers and Tanks are typically instant, or maybe 5 minutes, tops. The go-to answer would be to join a Free Company and ask for some help with the wait by having a tank or healer queue with you. There are an abundance of DPS and a scarcity of tanks. 2. It seems like the best time to get through into the game is anywhere from 5AM to 10AM EST. Instead they make it more miserable for everyone. Ragemode-amanthul July 3, 2023, 10:47am 1. 05 and the new tier of Savage raids, there's likely to be another spike in server queues for the immediate future. If you play the popular role, you will have to wait pretty long. I've been trying to finish this one MSQ mission for a total of 7 hours. This happens more so on a weekend where the number of players trying to join the game is high, especially after a new expansion or an update. Thank you all. I don't understand why login queues are still a thing. 4 is almost a pointless waste of time. Tanks have long queues in Alliance Raids because there are only 3 per 24 people. Savage is a different subject, though. r/deadbydaylight. wow was no different. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Nobody queues for binding coil and it isn’t a part of any roulettes except mentor roulette. They introduced a 30 minute AFK timer this time around, so I think that's actually changed things quite a bit. 2 DPS queues are longer than Tank/Healer queues. That means tons of different mechanics to keep track of and remember the correct sequence for. 20 minutes on roulette today If you're off-peak times and if you're queuing for stuff like Alliance Roulette then yeah 20 min also sounds normal. 4. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! play with a healer or tank friend, or play as a healer or tank class to make queue times faster (healers and tanks have the lowest number of players at any one time, so they get queued fast). Shazzamon. Most people will not queue for Extremes through duty finder so the wait times will be absurd no matter how old/new they are. [deleted] • 6 yr. 1 healer for a 2-healer dungeon, the whole queue gets stuck if you look for a specific duty. Stuck on MSQ because of queue times; don't know what to do. The queues go even longer due to afks. Leveling jobs to 50 takes about 4, maybe 5 hours max of dungeon grinding. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that…. That's just logical. Droves of new and returning players are flooding the MMO’s servers, resulting in lengthy queue times Well you are a tank, for one. 05 edition) [Megathread] Hey folks! With the release of patch 6. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Listen, dps, I know your queue's are long. The MSQ is rather long with so many expansions out, so it’s usually recommended to just stick to main quest line and job quests for now (blue quest will also unlock stuff). k. :V. You can also be in Smurf queue as the game recognizes you are not a new player. If you're on Aether, it's really late at night rn. Does anyone else love getting 30 minute or slightly longer queue wait times for dungeons and raids? I feel like it’s nice because it gives me time to…. Dec 6, 2021 · The login queues for Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker are long and unkind, with players stuck in queue for hours for early access and launch week. Our previous megathread remained stickied to the top of the subreddit for the first few weeks of early r/deadbydaylight. LFR queues are 45-1hour long on populated servers like Frostmourne. 5. The science is in the duration, new launches usually have less leeway than expansions where the audience are mostly locked in. For an explanation on data centers, please refer to Physical and Logical Data Centers. It's most likely because of your composition. There's also the fact that many people remove their gear before queuing into the roulette to Hidden Gorge (and similarly the Feast) doesnt have one, so there's not much incentive. Literally everything else = Duty Finder. idk what time zone you're on but if you're in NA, it's super late on the east coast/late on the west coast on a weeknight. The longest I have waited for this queue, in the past, has been about 1 1/2 hours. SE doesn't care because they want people doing the lv50 24mans to help new players clear syrcus tower, players don't care because they are too lazy to do ivalice. Reply reply. As the story is kinda the main thing of the leveling experience. You should have significantly better luck. Jan 17, 2020 · duty finder takes longer depending on what is needed, sometimes it needs healers and sometimes it needs tanks. Maintenance. Imagine you are a Bard and your friend is a tank. League reduces the queue times by just filling midlaners into the support role. The most common reasons for a long roulette queue is either playing on a new Data Center, which has much lower population, or perhaps queuing at off hours when a lot of people are at school/work, especially during the week. Some players are experiencing the FFXIV login queue not moving, something that’s cause for concern when it can take so long to get into the game in the first place. i guess because there is nothing to farm from it, so everyone just do it once for weekly reward, unlike the 1st one where ppl running multi times in hope of getting that glamor chest. There is a community called revival wings that coordinates times where they encourage more people to queue at once. monk has tank/heal specs. Game is pretty much dead at this point. It's about 1:30 pm Pacific time now. You have to wait for tanks to queue, so DPS queue is longer. The queue health for those is especially always rotten because it's fueled exclusively by trial roulette. In daily roulettes, I queued for the Alliance Raid. This subreddit is not owned, operated, or moderated by Behaviour Interactive. Obviously, it's been an issue during periods of high player counts following an expansion, and that makes sense. goodbyecaroline. jv ef ym xd eo ki so kn ff gr