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Dumbledore hurts snape fanfiction

Chapter 1: Back to Hogwarts. Dobby brought a parasol. Apparently he'd had one of his get togethers with Hagrid and was out cold from firewhiskey. Realizing it was his dark mark causing the pain, he thought to merely get rid of it. Potions, one learned quickly once starting their education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, were highly volatile substances; much like the man in charge of teaching the students how to make them. 2 Part only story. "Harry…". Why Snape never eats here. Chapter One: Dependence. A big Thank You goes to my two wonderful beta readers, Maggie and Snarkyroxy, who patiently listen to my whinging, are both helpful and thorough, and always encouraging. " The silence drew on for a few more seconds before Peter figured out what was expected of him. I mean, it might take a while, but it's really much less complicated. Snape is released after a couple of years in Azkaban; the terms of his parole include apologizing in person to Albus Dumbledore’s brother. Voldemort pointed his wand at one of Snape's wrists. His deplorable teaching practices. But it’s sometimes when we don’t expect anymore,that life grants us what what we have ever dreamt of Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort Co-Parenting. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort - James P. Both have a great Snape and Dumbledore dynamic. The woman seemed to scold the man. It's unacceptable for an adult to hurt a child in such a way," Sirius reinforced. Harry stood shakily, his breath still rough against his sore throat and found himself gripping the older mans warm hand almost painfully. Chapter 1: Snape. In the headmaster's office. Harry was silent for a long time before Severus spoke again. For the first time, Dumbledore was pleading. He looked the man in the eyes. WARNING: Themes of mild child abuse/neglect (nothing explicit). "Harry, I know that you saw Professor Snape's memories. But then Voldemort returned and any illusion of playing house is ruined. Severus Snape survived, but is a wanted man by the Death Eaters and the Ministry. Severus Snape, bound by the Unbreakable Vow to Narcissa Malfoy, is rushing to the Astronomy tower, and Harry's sixteenth birthday is less than two months away…. 5 days ago · A mentor/parental figure story that starts two weeks after The Battle of Hogwarts. Not slash, gen-fic w/ focus on Sevitus relationship. He could've gotten killed - or worse - sent to Voldemort in person… instead he gets a 'small' help. Snape lowered his wand as he took a step backwards, his eyes watering. Slice of Life. A decision is made that sets a greater plan into action. Harry Potter and his friends are no closer to finding and destroying the Horcruxes, and Voldemort's hold over the wizarding world is growing. It hurt so much. He raised the switch. But Mr Potter has a point. A black haired woman was with her. "Tell me about your classes, Harry," Sirius finally said, his hand resting familiarly on the boy's shoulder. You Should Have Been Mine By: chrmisha. Albus never had any children of his own, but he loved Severus like a son. "I will come back again soon. Once Harry, the final horcrux, has been destroyed, we can kill Voldy once and for all. Harry was thrown to the floor with a painful thud. Anyone who drank it would be burned from the inside. After the wild events of Harry Potter's third year, Albus Dumbledore has some not-too-nice things to say to one Severus Snapeand things don't turn out too well Pretty OOC. Eventually Harry!Abused by Dursley's. Warnings: language, mentions of abuse/neglect. "Foolish boy, you need to breathe," He muttered. "Crucio skeletus articulis. " Dumbledore stood and pulled Harry's hand a little. But their quiet family life is put to the test when, out of nowhere, James Potter comes back. 'Master shouldn't be worried. Dumbledore had seen Harry knocked down yet still fight on, whatever the cost. Suddenly the fireplace flared green once again, and Dumbledore unfolded his long frame, standing to take in the scene before him. After helping the headmaster move the Mirror of Erised to a new home, Severus Snape receives an unexpected gift. It was wooden and hard-backed. No slash, whump/angst only. They might be able to get information that will change the balance of Sirius exclaimed pulling his fist back and punching him squarely in the jaw. Snape felt the pain and sorrow the Headmaster felt. Blood Isn't Thicker By: AlElizabeth. "Good evening Severus. That is not the case, though and, shocked, Snape decides to intervene. Severus Snape, the right hand of the Dark Lord, watches from the side of his enemy, watching as everyone he swore to protect fade into non existence. He imagined that he would have revelled and celebrated, but here he was forcing the tears not to flow down his cheek. no. Digital Art. This all belongs to J K Rowling. Snape continued raining down smacks. The potions master reluctantly agrees, believing the Boy Who Lived to be a spoiled brat. This devastating night was all his fault. He transferred a bit of himself into Fawkes; he knew his soul would be safe. Oneshot, fluff. The order of the phoenix is slowly losing the war against Voldemort. Books Harry Potter. Snape caught the teen before he hit the floor, cradling the boy in his arms. Pain. - Words: 844 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 6 - Published: May 29, 2010 - Status: Complete - id: 6008345. Mar 5, 2023 · To her surprise Snape was without his usual billowing black robes and wore jeans and a black button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. And the one time he did Dumbledore saw nothing but hurt. Umbridge tortures Harry and Severus steps in. '. ' 'Yes, Dobby,' sighed Dumbledore, 'but he often comes hurt. Taking his strongest pain potion at this point would merely dull the pain because the pain was already at such a high level. --. The following chapters are written much better and neater. Chapter 31: Revelations. Away from his father, whose best state was absent and neglectful. "Now, now, boys. under a switch was not one of those things. He could feel a dull ache spread though his side and wondered if the fall had damaged the hipbone. He had no idea what was wrong with him. Snape had just caught Harry doing something that he'd warned him not to do and wanted to throw the book at him, while Dumbledore and McGonagall were arguing that it wasn't a big deal. Snape's Incarceration By: SeraV. The potions lab was silent except for the odd smattering of conversation between students. Snape had told him about the. Healing. What will he do about it? Warnings: OOC behavior and darkish Harry. Spoilers: all the HP books. However, this summer was different. A shadow passed over Sirius's face. Hermione decides that Severus Snape is worth risking her life for after he's done the same for her. 'Master Dumbledore shouldn't sit there unprotected from the sun. Harry was leaning on his window sill, trying to lip read a muggle daily soap playing in the opposite house. " It Falls to the Young by Viskii reviews. , Severus S. "It's not worth it," she whispered. A/N: This story will contain no slash. Dumbledore did not complain though, only gripped his hand harder in return and pulled him towards the hatch, stooping to retrieve Harry's wand on the way. Severus Snape was having a miserable 'holiday'. Snape had had all too much experience of Dumbledore's ridiculous chintz armchairs. The youngest recruit by TeaAndMagic reviews. Words That Hurt By: Pozagee. The Order has opened Headquarters to house its youngest members during a summer of Ministry-sponsored social events. G (hamster off the young ones, type it in on google) "and yieu, and yieu, and yieu" he waved to Bob, the Whopping Willow and the plot who was running as fast as Harry never thought he would feel such emptiness and pain at the death of the man he had loathed the most. The black haired woman had gone to Severus while the headmistress went over to Dumbledore. Then I want you to remove your shirt so I can start healing the damage to your back. James was yelling at Dumbledore, and the other Marauders could barely hold him down. Cross-Generation Relationship. Right in Front of Me (Book 1) by ShabbyBeachNest reviews. + -. His head was throbbing and each movement increased the pain. Harry had, in the rare moments Hermione had let them relax in their search for the horcruxes, often fantasised about what he would do when he found Snape, all the subtle tortures and unsubtle agonies he would wreak on the man who had killed the greatest wizard Harry had ever known. The Marauders. Dumbledore was impossibly calm during the whole episode. Severus had been as honest as possible, despite the discomfort the matter caused him, and fortunately, the headmaster had believed him. Snape is confused at Lupin's new fixation and thinks back along their relationship to try to make sense of what it could mean. The remnants of Voldy's army seek revenge on the traitor and their master's vanquisher, so Harry and Snape must go into hiding. Finally, only a greasy smear of ash was left. Before he could fully materialize, McGonagall sent a jagged jet of white light at him, causing him to fall to his knees and his wand to fly out of his hand. Snape gazed for a moment at Dumbledore, and there was revulsion and hatred etched in the harsh lines of his face. Harry Potter blames Severus Snape for Sirius' death. - Complete. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama He knows that when Dumbledore looks into the Mirror of Erised he sees himself as the greatest and most powerful wizard of all time, the supreme ruler of the wizarding world. Chapter 1. Fanart. Rated: Fiction K - English - Hurt/Comfort/Fantasy - Harry P. Gallagher took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down. 'And again I didn't take a painkilling potion in time. With Snape as a chaperone, and engaged to another woman, the advent of a busy Hermione, determined to see her friends in love-matches, can only be a recipe for disaster. The thought of Snape treating him, touching him, performing magic on him made him recoil in fear, but he felt a small, growing seed of anger, and Dumbledore's hand still rested reassuringly on his arm. Revenge Is Sweet Indeed By: marietsy2. During their summer at Order HQ, the suspicious Marauders clash with the secrets of Severus Snape: his unforgiving father, Albus' loyalty, a past that haunts his nightmares But no one expected friendship, nor the consequences thereof. ' Jan 8, 2022 · Harry locked his eyes on the ceiling and nodded shortly. He didn't stop until they were out of the castle and its grounds, where the magic that protected Hogwarts couldn't reach them. AU Dumbledore asks Snape to check on Harry Potter. Inspired by Detective Conan by Gosho Aoyama. He had been ordered to continue the dreaded Occlumency lessons with Snape. Angst galore. It was the first time he had cried in a very long time. "I need to find a way to get those blood wards working again," Dumbledore said in frustration, ignoring the fact that Harry had collapsed. Mar 31, 2019 · Snape has a fit and gets a hug. Here's Chapter 2. "Albus surely there is another way. 1) Any physical abuse by the Dursleys toward Harry cannot include either broken bones or potentially life-threatening injuries. Snape nodded without speaking, trying to compose himself. One little slip, a wrong ingredient here, a missed stir there, and you could have a veritable disaster on your hands. . " Harry smiled up at Snape as he left the room, closing the door quietly behind him. When Umbridge crosses the line, Snape comes to the rescue. unbreakable vow he had taken with Malfoy's mother. "Severus is correct, Harry. Apr 17, 2022 · Dumbledore considered my proposal and declared, "Alright. Hermione nodded and shuffled nervously on her feet "Yes sir. A mentor fic: When Snape discovers Harry is abused by the Dursley's, he is forced to teach Harry for the summer after the tri-wizard Harry Potter is dead, and with him the Order. I am sure Mr Snape did not intend to kill Mr Potter. Recovery. Will be returned. Harry looked at him awkwardly. After the Battle of Hogwarts, Severus Snape survives and despite providing memories to prove his allegiance he is still sent to Azkaban to serve out time for crimes comitted in Voldemort's name. The night of the battle the trio retrieved Severus Snape from the shack to Hogwarts. It was a very long, very painful way to die. "Because I stunned you ahhhh, it hurts!" Snape had to smile a little, times change but the reaction of a child. Severus Snape shoved the fourth years' Potion essays out of his sight, groaning as he did. May 6, 2019 · Books Harry Potter. When Snape unexpectedly survives, his mentor gives him one final gift. "Possible," Snape answered promptly. Snape's eyes flew to the Headmaster as he settled Potter into a chair. " Snape let out. It's Harry's turn to look into the void and feel some pain – and to see the kind of stuff that Snape is made of. So much the better for him, so much the worse for Severus Snape. Although Dumbledore has tried to keep the identity of their spy a secret, at an Order of the Phoenix meeting, Snape is unable to avoid seeking help after a particularly bad Death Eater meeting. Disregards HBP and DH. Pain in his heart, blood in his mouth. as headmaster, he knew his work had paid off. It was a pleasant night. Happy Ending. Snape's agonized shriek resounded across the room. The two adults looked furious, something that quite surprised Harry. Snape had made his choices long ago and didn't think he deserved forgiveness or to ever be happy. First in a series that ends with The next great adventure. A set of two holiday stories exploring the relationship between Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape. The potion would be fine on it's own for a few hours. " Dumbledore screamed dramatically before singing, "Goodbye, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, to yieu" he pointed to the random hobo, "and yieu" he waved to Harry who was playing chess with S. Hours and hours passed as Severus Snape's life was dissected. On the night of the 31st of October, 1981, Dumbledore asks Severus Snape to raise Harry Potter. He didn't even care about Occluding his mind anymore. They were drawn into espionage, danger, love and affection. Making the only other occupant of the room, Minerva McGonagall let out a gasp and take a step back in alarm. Fed up with Harry's disrespect and attitude towards everyone in the castle after Sirius' death, Dumbledore allows Snape to correct it. Lots of lewdness and swearing! Set in the 5 year, Snape goes a little bat s**t crazy and attacks Harry and Dumbledore covers it up. Albus Dumbledore had never been angrier at Severus Snape. Snape's Hurt. Severus was not known to be scared easily. Dumbledore is dead, and his plans seem to be falling apart before Severus' eyes. Albus Dumbledore is a matchmaker! Author notes: 1: I ask you not to judge the story by the first chapters. Snape caught his breath in panic at the old wizard's expression. - Words: 1,974 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 47 Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 51 - Words: 440,274 - Reviews: 1459 - Favs: 1,451 - Follows: 1,442 - Updated: Dec 22, 2010 - Published: Dec 17, 2007 - Harry P. Padfoot, Wormtail, Prongs, and Moony grew to really enjoy their new hobby – Freaking Out Snape. Fics where he's healed/helped by another character, especially Pomfrey, McGonagall, Dumbledore, or Lupin among others are also welcome. Set in DH Part 2, this is a rewrite of this great scene to cater to some different themes. Harry felt Snape cut away his shirt around his stomach and probe it magically. Next evening, Dumbledore, Minerva and Severus gathered in Albus' office with Healer Jones. For nearly twenty years, he devoted his life to defeating the Dark Lord and protecting Harry Potter. A/N: Since I first read the last tome back in 2007, I was left with a bitter taste concerning Severus Snape's last moments. 'Well, Severus, I think that the Muggle Prime Minister's Jan 20, 2022 · Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD. Why Dumbledore Trusted Snape by sylvanawood. It was a good thing Dumbledore had decided to create a horcrux, and in his last year. Albus uncharacteristically slammed the young potions teacher against the bare wall of the staff room. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Drama/Hurt/Comfort - Words: 5,626 - Reviews: 41 - Favs: 619 - Follows: 250 - Published: Dec 22, 2017 - Status: Complete - id: 12769468 McGonagall seized her chance of his vulnerable move and whirled on the spot. Mar 5, 2024 · Instead of using the fireplace, Snape left the office, followed by the boys, and hurried through the deserted corridors of the castle. A story of the special bond between Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape. Buckle up and enjoy the ride! It is the beginning of June 1996, Albus Dumbledore had just drunk the deadly potion protecting the horcrux. linkffn (out for blood) It doesn’t have to be Before he could retort, Hermione laid a placating hand on his arm. He knew Snape was right. Warnings: Language. "Kill me, Minerva, since it is your wish. CP in later chapters. CHAPTER 2. "I didn't!" Severus defended again, panting from the spot on the floor where he had fallen. " Professor Dumbledore bowed his head respectfully as he entered the staff room, late on the evening of the first day of term Summary: Albus Dumbledore has never abandoned Severus Snape, not even after his own death. Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Severus S. Founder: SageKiller - Stories: 130 - Followers: 231 - id: 73146. He had not expected to survive the war and feels broken. Malfoy cried, calling for his father, his mother, anyone to make it stop. ALL the beta — real men proofread. Snape and Dumbledore. Now, no hope lies in the hearts of the few who survived. The image of Riddle warped and dissolved into the pool of darkness on the stone floor, writhing and twisting around in a gross imitation of human pain as the flames consumed it. Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, and Harry Potter. Harry nodded tiredly and rubbed his painful forehead. Sep 23, 2017 · Chapter 1: The Silver Doe. Feeling obliged to, Severus accepts, and with time, proceeds to adopt Harry and regard him as his son. Here you can find stories about a sick/ill or hurt Severus. After Albus Severus is sorted into Slytherin, Severus Snape retaliates by getting drunk and confronting the sorting hat. Both Malfoy and Snape began to panic as they felt their energy draw into the pain, their life and magic consumed by the mark upon their bodies. and began a new set of stripes, these being slighter more to the center than the first. baby, small kid, teen. All his life, he had hated this man. However not everyone agrees to the decision and takes it upon themselves to right a wrong. HP Cross Gen Fest 2020. Harry is accused of burglary. Snape dropped his head in defeat and closed his eyes. What did you see?" Dumbledore asked. If Mr Snape hurts you in any way, you must abandon the mission straight away. "You little brat," Snape hissed, Harry's eyes widened as he looked up at the man, "That was May 13, 2024 · Albus Dumbledore paced around his office, with his hands behind his back, listening attentively to what his newest spy was telling him. 2) The method by which Snape becomes Harry's mentor/guardian/father may not include torture of either Anything where Snape is dealing with pain, mainly physical but also mental/emotional: tortured at a death eater meeting, injured spying for the order, nightmares, self-harming, suicidal etc. Not Expendable. Jun 7, 2008 · Harry flicked an uncertain gaze at Snape, and Dumbledore's eyebrows drew together. Follow along as Severus Snape And Tom Riddle raise a child and try to take down an evil Dumbledore who has been stealing from vaults, family lines and lying to students about their true heritage. Severus Snape was not one to be amused easily, especially not in the summer when he preferred the solitude of his small cottage on the outskirts of London. P. Snape sat on a stool beside his personal potion maker. Snape shook his head as more tears fell down his Chapter 1: Potions Mishap. , Lily Evans P. Snape collapsed on the ground, resting his head in his hands. Snape said nothing, but walked forward and pushed Malfoy roughly out of the way. " Dumbledore smiled at Snape's portrait. For RiddleSnape. The Dark Lord had requested the Fire Water potion. Harry decided that he envied that family as he watched the father pull his daughter closer to him. Just borrowed. Nov 22, 2023 · Attitude and disrespect By: WilliciaMcHart2015. Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,712 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 3 - Published: Apr 11, 2006 - Severus S. This one is a crossover, but once the MC makes it to Hogwarts there are some nice Snape/Dumbledore scenes that show their mentor/student father/son relationship and also explains why they were doing things certain ways in Philosopher's Stone. Lily was carefully adding powdered scarab beetles to her potion, and he tried Apr 12, 2019 · The fire that Snape was lighting in his behind was by no means the worst pain Harry had ever felt, but on top of what had been an emotionally draining evening, it tipped him over the edge. Co-Parenting. This can be read as a stand-alone fic, but if you read the sequels "Malice in his Voice", "Threesome at Spinner's End", "Dumbledore was pretty firm with him the last secret of Dumbledore By: Evyheartway. "Your rudeness aside, I assume you've just come from a meeting with the headmaster. Includes only completed stories or frequently updated WIPs with impressive plot, spelling, and grammar. - Words: 1,573 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 4 - Published: Nov 22 . Language: This community will contain only fics about Severus as a parental figure to Harry that follow specific guidleines. Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Angst - Harry P. Professor McGonagall, Professor Dumbledore and Professor Flitwick stood behind the desk. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Plus cute!Tonks. Harry finds himself in the care of an irate Snape. "Albus. However, learning to accept that he was not the only person who was capable of change would lead Snape to the family he never had. Disclaimer: Nothing you recognize belongs to me. Harry squirmed. Just until the end of summer and not a day longer. Through the years they got to know each other through playful house rivalry, betting pools about the latest DADA professor, and late night tea in the Headmaster's office. Harry Potter was walking down the dimly-lit corridor at Hogwarts well after midnight with his left hand bleeding heavily. "Dudley has a number of issues," said Jones, accepting the drink offered to him 5 days ago · Severus Snape Deserves Better. FFNet. He'd talked to Dudley at length after dinner in the privacy of an empty office and had now come to make a full report. To some extent this fic is a clothes horse for some ideas about how the Horcruxes might pan out, but it also brings Harry and Snape a little closer towards détente. I felt – and still fell – like he was cheated. A tear falling from Dumbledores eye. Upon surviving the Battle of Hogwarts, Severus Snape is at a loss. - Words: 1,287 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 169 - Follows: 58 - Published Summary: It all started when Hermione Granger slept in the library and Severus Snape found her. "From what I heard, Sirius was the Potter's secret keeper, not Peter. Harry can spend the rest of his life in blissful happiness, fall in love with that Weasley girl, and have beautiful children. Dark secrets and an even darker past threaten to destroy the boy on whom the entire wizarding world has pinned their hopes. And also therapy stories in which Severus is one of the main characters. Summary: Snape kills Dumbledore and, instead of listening to reason, Harry shows his hiding spot, only for Snape to hit him with a green spell. A Father's Love By: ChoCedric. Dumbledore's Men. He knew there were certain rooms he was never supposed to go into, but Sirius had never elaborated on why. Several years later, an old friend arrives to remind Albus Dumbledore of the gift he once gave. That was the plan. The Edge of a Revolution By: Slytherclaw89. Jun 3, 2023 · Hurt/Comfort. Severus's own Head of House, Professor Slughorn, wasn't there. "I said that Lily and Harry would have forgiven you, Severus. Albus Dumbledore had asked him to stay back at Hogwarts to restock potions for the Infirmary, as Madam Pomfrey was tending to No slash. The abuse he heaped on Harry and Neville. Master Snape always comes back. It is set in the middle of Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts. Severus finds a letter in Dumbledore's office which changes his life. What I Must Ask You To Do By: VeraRose19. Oct 6, 2023 · "Is this a ploy by Dumbledore?" he asked. Snape is welcome to stay, though. No need for any of that nasty pain, death, or tragedy. He was relieved to be back at Hogwarts, away from his family. Coparenting Harry with Sirus had never been part of his The Spy Exposed By: MarshLuray. Fourteen year old Severus Snape as usual was very focused in class; however, his focus was on the bright red spill of hair a few desks ahead of him. Severus Snape. " He said with a sigh. When Aberforth looks into the mirror, he sees his sister, alive and happy. " The bones shattered with a muffled crack. Fanfictions where Severus Snape is deaged whatever age. Even the werewolf seemed cowed. " I quickly agreed and left the room. - Words: 3,001 - Reviews: 62 - Favs: 273 - Follows: 84 - Published: Dec 13, 2007 - Status: Complete Harry was shaking with guilt and anger – at Snape, but mostly at himself for everything he'd caused. Severus Snape is confronted my Minerva McGonagall in the Great Hall. But secrets about Harry's home life are being revealed and things are changing too fast for Harry to keep up. The three Death Eaters fell back without a word. At least during the school term he could count on the Dark Lord not to expect so much of him, but during the long, sweaty summer spent in Spinner's End, he found himself constantly at the beck and call of the snake-faced villain. Maybe Severus Snape tried dining at 12 Grimmauld Place once and it didn't work out. His overhearing of the prophecy, his turning to Dumbledore, his request to see only Lily live. The next moment, Harry, Snape and Gallagher found themselves back in Gallagher's office. Snape was slightly more practical. Snape hurt/comfort, angst. There will be slash pairings (samesex). He was not used to adults disapproving of Dudley's 'Harry Hunting'. Harry walked slowly to the potions master's classroom, feet dragging as he trailed his hand along the stones of the wall. Dumbledore knew that Malfoy. A shield was erected around the two. A collection of fics where Harry is abused or neglected by the Dursleys. Chapter 1: Revelations Among Enemies. "T-They can be found in their cottage in Godric's Hollow!" "That is correct," Snape observed darkly. His twisting of facts and events that saved his Slytherin's from being punished. Snape had given Harry his memories. His stoicism falls apart in the face of Aberforth’s forgiveness. Temporarily. ' The headmaster smiled warmly at the house elf and Dobby spoke on. But when rituals and bonds go awry Hermione puts herself in the middle of a web of manipulation and hard decisions. 1979. Harry wondered what exactly was in the Blacks' ancestral home. But Harry wouldn't meet Dumbledore's eyes. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Angst/Fantasy - Severus S. Once during Potions class, Sirius Black had thrown a fist-sized chunk of morganstone (known to Muggles as potassium metal) in one of the lab's big sinks full of water, which had destroyed both sink and water with a great shower of James had been shocked when the headmistress of Pharaoh's Academy had walked into the Great Hall. Harry sucked in air and Snape steeled himself for the barrage of Subdued Dependence. Severus must decide whether to fight or flee. , Albus D. He has only ever attended one Quidditch game. Severus Snape, Sixth Year Slytherin, sat in his favorite spot next to the lake and shivered. Snape's body convulsed and sweat streamed down his bruised face, long strands of hair matted against his jutting cheekbones. Canon divergent in which Dumbledore and Snape live. "Liar!" James accused kicking the boys head hard and Sirius then proceeded to kick and punch every part of the other boy's body. Warning spanking of a teenager. See you later Severus. Crime and Punishment By: mlocatis. All things Harry Potter belong to JK Rowling. Still, he hopes, and works to undermine the monster he is bound to. Draco and Harry almost had to run to keep up with him. ' 'Master Snape has always been strong, always. It burned. Dumbledore raised his wand, but Snape put up a hand and conjured a chair for himself. It was easy to forget about the man's true nature in the face of his "doddering grandpa" act, but abruptly that mask was dropped and a furious and immensely powerful wizard was glaring at him. When Albus Dumbledore finds a de-aged Severus Snape, he sees an opportunity. Severus, finds himself once more having to share the affections of one witch with a Potter. The Dursleys leave him to rot. To send him to Voldemort was torture on his heart and mind. They were much too comfortable for Snape, who like to be in as much pain as possible. Dumbledore sends Snape to remedy the situation. "Alright, Potter, start with this pain potion. He left his lab and wandered about the house aimlessly. PM me if you'd like to be staff or have a story included. Severus Snape desperately creates a potion that can send him back five years into the past. As the class began to prepare their ingredients, a sharp, burning pain began shooting up his scar, momentarily knocking his equilibrium off balance. August 2, 1995. A Lucky Find By: TheLazyBAMF. The shield went down. Severus Snape has agreed to take in Harry Potter during the summer before his Third Year. "Seve-" "STUPIFY!" The white bolt hit Dumbledore in the stomach as he flew backwards, his feet no longer on the ground. Complete. Snape's Drunk Adventure By: hogwartsbabes97. qw vm ih iy kr qf xl mq wv ga