Girlfriend has no friends reddit

My friend has many many friends of both genders, way more than me. A GF will NOT solve your problems. Me and my girlfriend have been together for 1 year and during that time she has only had one friend that recently stopped being her friend and the only people she talks to arr me and her parents. I thought it was depression, but i started noticing that EVERY time her friend called her to take her to work, or another called wanting to come over she would hop out of bed, cook dinner and oblige them like she owes them something. I am an introvert as well. And you know if for some reason she does something then that’s her loss and she wasn’t meant for you. If she’s made it clear that she’s faithful, it’s good that she has guy friends. I would like new friends and/or a girlfriend. Then "hey let's all do something this Thursday evening" goes a long way. I have no idea the reason for your girlfriend not having any, but there's many of us who don't feel that codependent need for friends, and are perfectly happy without them. Not having any friends and social life is not indicative only of introversion and being a loner. I went on a date on Friday and the girl said There is absolutely no point in dating someone you don't trust or who doesn't trust you, it's just going to cause issues the whole time. to meet some new people and then make an effort to make some new friends. Or can't seem to find anyone with similar interests/qualities one needs in a friend. She said that people only… Need some help guys : ( : r/lonely. So my partner and I [30m] have lived together for about 2 years. I have school and work tho. • 10 yr. One or both of them could be complete shut ins with zero social status, it doesn't matter. I am 23 and male, live with my parents and I have an older sister. It's all about making sure you engage, are friendly, and doing something that you think people you like will be doing. I think letting it all out will somehow help me. Two people just have to talk to one another, that's all it takes. My girlfriend has never been outgoing and doesn't have many close friends (not really any besides me). They initially said they had no problems with me then tried every possible way to convince my girlfriend that I’m not good for her and now again they’re saying that they have no problem with me I'm 24 years old and have no friends or girlfriend. Having no friends in uni/college is a different type of loneliness. I've never even gone on a date with a girl. Ask her why. JymFriday. There’s no secret sauce, you just have to: be yourself, put yourself out there, and work on constantly improving yourself (learning a new skill, trying different things, becoming an interesting person — aka not spending all day on Reddit). I (33f) have been dating my boyfriend for about eight months, hes a lovely person, gets along with my friends and family, has a stable job, very passionate about cooking and animals. A deep sense of unhappiness and unfulfillment. Another might be volunteer work, etc. Hence why I said board gaming stores, a lot of my friends play. She be cautious look for more issues. I've found that these types of women are few and far between so 99% of my friends are male. Another idea would be to encourage her to join a group based on a sport, hobby, or other activity she’s interested in, or even do some volunteering or take an evening class. With this move and the fact she doesn't drive she now has no one other than me. I traveled five times, cross country, to help a friend with a project, (wife came with me one time). When we go to parties she never makes an effort to talk to anyone, which makes me feel like I have to hang out with her and keep her company. I see no reason for me to live, I have a run down job, family that doesn't really like me, I'm 28 Y/O, Aspergers, No Friends, Never Had a Girlfriend or Female Friend. Could be lots of reasons, but if the reasons are she is selfish or doesn't have empathy for others then yeah red flag. I haven't had a friend in almost 10 years. When I started to let go an do what I wanted to do, I realized I loved being alone. I'm on mobile. This. Been there (as the girlfriend with no other close connections). Describe the invitations that you'd offer to someone you want to befriend and how to accept a rejection. You: “Well I had a lot of friends in high school, but you know it’s a difficult time especially with COVID, and just got out of high school, it’s effort to stay connected, and everyone’s finding their own way…”. Just saying dudethis probably won't end well. It's totally fine to have never had a girlfriend, but focus on the actual friendships. If your girlfriend hasn’t given you a reason not to trust her, then just trust her. pjsvndsn. it's time to start drinking. He just keeps me in the loop all the time. I guess I start at the beginning, I have always been a lonely kid, whether I've been bullied by people as school or rejected in social circles I've always been the odd one out. My girlfriend and I have been together for about 4 years and throughout the course of our relationship she has never had too many friends. whenever i try to make a change i give up quickly and then start back at square one. In which case. I’m pretty set now I have a great job and a good social life. But he has literally no friends and no family. However, it is often easier to talk to people if you have common interests. If you lose weight you won't be fat, depressed, or ugly. The reason that these men are my friends and not my partner is because I have absolutely no sexual attraction to them but like their personality. If she really needs and does not have other friends, it may be that she just doesn't know how to go out and meet people who aren't already connected to your friends. It constantly puts me in situations I'm not comfortable with. I just wanted to talk to someone. Dec 20, 2023 · There are Reddit threads where users debate whether or not it’s a good idea to get involved with a girl who doesn’t have any close friends. I've only had like one or two close friends but those are no longer in my life anymore. Discussion. I went on a date on Friday and the girl said She has no friends for seemingly no reason. I am in the same situation, except I am the girlfriend who has no real close friends. Dyspareunia), something in her past (rape or a 'bad uncle', for instance), image issues, or moral dilemmas. foreveracactus. Last night we talked and she told me that no one talks to her and that she has no friends. She cooks with/for all of them, it's her thing. When I started dating my girlfriend I thought she was the epitome of perfect. This is my first post ever so bare with me if it’s not proper. I'm 34 and I've never had a girlfriend. Go from there. She has always been incredibly introverted and never had many friends. Go see a show or something. My wife is always welcome to join us when I see them, she does about 20% of the time, the rest of the time, she has no problem with me going out with my friends. Go to counselling with her if she's willing, and find the root cause. I used to have friends but they kept declining my calls after they found a girlfriend. upvotes · comments r/relationship_advice To start off I turn 24 today and I'm just contemplating my life. I work alone, exercise alone, eat alone, sleep alone, etc. In any social situation she just completely retreats into her headspace, loses confidence and wants to go home. After 2 years of dating she hasn't changed a bit she's still a wonderful, caring girlfriend. But she doesn’t want to make new friends. 31 and scared. Go make friends. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. dizzynconfuzed. This is a really important point a lot of people miss. As an adult it is not easy especially for woman as they all seem to have their own friends and aren't looking for other ones. 99 times out of 100 the guy best friends are waiting for their kick at the can. i dont even have any hobbies. TLDR; My girlfriends friends have been talking shit about me and have been trying to break us up for serval months. She’s a human being capable of making her own decisions. throwawerb. Not all people need/want a lot of friends and if she's happy with her work, hobbies and relationship maybe she just doesn't care to work on making friends. My (29M) girlfriend (27F) has 0 friends. I'm 26 years old 27 in july and i've been unemployed for about 7 months now. Vent. Even people with no social circle have to interact with I'm sad, my girlfriend left me and I have no friends, anyone read. If she is like me it is not easy to make friends. Its not because women are flocking to them. Before I realized I was an introvert, I would do everything to please people. So I have two friends genuinely two friends and they have never met eachother. I, too, tend to make only a few close friends, so it would be cool if we're on the same page socially. I just don’t want her to be friends with a guy she used to really like. On the contrary, she will probably just cause more problems. You don't have to do shit other than eat the right stuff. She's funny, passionate and generally charismatic as well as being a genuinely kind person, she has hobbies (games, sewing, art + history, horses -lol) and is able to engage well with people she doesn't know and can carry a conversation. Every time I try making friends, it goes nowhere. You need to be one self-secure man if you choose the one with a lot of male friends, thats fosho. Your thoughts might be one thing but after spending time, you might realize they are harmless. . • 3 yr. I’ve been thriving for years off of the mindset of “quality over quantity”, but when that adds up to one best friend who spends all of her time with her boyfriend now, it’s pretty lonely. I’m in a very similar situation and it’s beginning to effect our relationship. I'm tired of people mostly, friends who say they'll stay and stick around and never leave, than backstab you and take everything from you. How I make friends is mostly on the internet cause it’s just easy, but making friends irl I’d just start going to events that interest you (conventions or concerts). I thought my life would change but it never did. girlfriend doesn't have friends. Going down holes with 20 little robitussin pills and a handful of Benadryl, bowls upon bowls of weed, and one hell of a mushroom trip. Basically, she won't feel the need to change for herself, but there is hope she will change so she doesn't cause you pain. Me on the other hand haven’t ever had girl friends and makes it “weird” in her opinion if I would Having no friend group is so embarrassingg. I have severe depression and suicidal thoughts and honestly, I don't want to be here anymore. So I would conclude that it is a yellow warning flag that may go red or green at certain point. I'm 21 years old, have no friends, never had a girlfriend. Of the few female friends I have they also don't get along with other women and we have a mutual understanding. No girl. I dont have many friends and no hobbies. I’m 33 and I don’t have any friends at all, no girl, and I’m always broke. Back story my last relationship was 3 years and very toxic. Need some help guys : (. A lot of people make the stupid mistake of cutting off their friends once they get into a relationship, and then wonder why they're bored out of their minds 10 years later when they have no friends anymore and their daily routine with their partner has become stale. First, sorry for formatting. So a couple months ago I had to put down my 11 year old dog. That's a green flag. I have no friends, no girlfriend (and im still a virgin) nor a job. But there's one super glaring flaw she has: no sense Do you have friends in other circles who she might click with (or maybe their friends or girlfriends)? Hanging out in groups can be a great way to make friends. Tofusmith. You're stuck in the vicious cycle - depressed because your fat, fat because you're depressed. Everyone in my town knows each other, and they all love to party and go to bars (since It seems strange that your relationship has progressed for more than a year when the both of you seem to laugh freely with other people but not with each other. I wouldn't say it's a red flag, but you have to wonder why she has no friends. It's hard for me to imagine being in a relationship where we can't make each other laugh. I am grateful for every day I get with her but it feels like there is still a hole in my heart that I just can’t fill. My (32M) girlfriend (35F) doesn't like that I have a female friend. I'm a girl. I don't think you need to dump her, but you absolutely need to speak to her about how you feel. There's no checklist you need to complete to find a partner. New girlfriend has lots of guy friends. Oh bless, come here honey, I'd give you a hug in real life. But emotionally not sure. You say, “I don’t have friends”. A couple/few close friends, however, is what I actually prefer. I feel very lonely and don’t have any “real” friends It’s controlling and toxic to tell someone who they can and cannot communicate with. If you're only talking to girls in an attempt to get a girlfriend then perhaps you should focus on getting to know people as people, not as potential girlfriends. It's a constant reminder of what im missing out on and how useless I am at making friends. Ok, the title sums it up pretty well. It's so easy to just put yourself in a little shell, and have no motivation to go out and do anything, because you're depressed. Well, I have plenty of friends (very, very few close and real ones, though) but no girlfriend yet. I joined okcupid to try and start dating but I can't get motivated to start messaging women, and I am not attractive enough for If your girlfriend is the only real non-familial person you hang out with, yes that's unhealthy. I've lived here all my life and have no friends. I have never had a girlfriend and it is eating me up inside. Follow r/keto. She's an awesome person and gets along with all of my friends but she is either unable or unwilling to make and maintain friendships of her own. She says that she have been having guy friends all her life and are more like them so she knows how to have a friendship with them. My girlfriend has no time for a trip with me, but now wants to go with her friends. [deleted] • 2 yr. I was going to describe the opposite but we both know which one your girlfriend is. I live in the UK, and thought i would finally pour everything out thats been getting me down for years, i have posted mainly to vent rather than for any particular advice if that is OK, this is the first time i have ever posted anything about this subject online on any kind I'm 18, no friends, no girlfriend, nothing left. **Edit/Update: I see a lot of the same types of questions so I figured I'd address some. If you don't go out there and meet new people, you won't make any friends at all, set aside true friends. She's dated before but largely doesn't anymore 2. Neither good or bad just depends on what type of girl you want. No girlfriend, no friends, literally always alone. Girlfriend broke up with me. Reply reply ----0_0---- I dealt with that - university, failing at 19, girlfriend for a couple months, little contact with friends - with lots of drugs. Her best friend since a young age passed away shortly before we had started dating and she was the one she would always hang out with before. I went to school last year for music production and graduated with around a 70 average. I agree with the. I have met people with fewer friends than me who have a girlfriend, if that indicates anything. Girls who have guy best friends are delusional. I've always been excluded from everything. If it makes you feel better, i didn't get my 1st until i was like 25. I have a job which I like, but my colleagues are twice my age and don't meet after work cause they want to My girlfriend (F23) made a joke that we should have a threesome with one of my friends, I (M24) feel disgusted. A low energy person is complacent and comfort seeking. I stopped meeting new people since I quit college. Im 19, have about three friends (none of whom know each other) and I have never been in a relationship. He would send me pictures and texts all the time even when he's with his friends and when he's doing his things. Hope it doesn't, but to women, status is very important, and the no friends thing will be a huge red flag. [deleted] •. These two things are absolutely crippling to my self esteem. I would suggest hanging out with her and the guy friends and see what they are like. My girlfriend had no idea what triggered it but she distanced herself from her. For example, seeing a person wearing your favorite band’s shirt can be an excellent way to start a conversation. Making friends becomes simple at that point. Haha I don't know about being loved by everyone, but I went from being a socially eccentric drug addicted loser with no friends or love interests, who lives with my parents and couldn't hold a job, to having 6 close friends I hang out with regularly, a stable job for half a decade where most people like me alot and I'm viewed as very competent, having my own apartment, and dating a cute girl Hey r/relationships , My boyfriend (26) and I (25F) have been together for 7 years, the issue is that he has a female friend (24) who he met in college. I used to have lots of friends and then everyone moved on with their lives. ago. ADMIN MOD. Take things slow. There are all kinds of people in this world: some are popular but still single while others are isolated but in long, caring, committed, and happy My girlfriend has no sense of humor. Not like I have friends, but no one I’m close to, I literally have no one, I don’t talk to anybody, I only leave the house with my parents. No career, no friends and no girlfriend. She had one friend but that friend kinda spiraled and started doing meth and sleeping with a bunch of guys (saying very sexist remarks about the same men she sleeps with, using my gf as a therapist/leeching) . When he found a job after college, he managed to find her a job in the same department he works in. Reply reply. Nothing. New-Organization3527. You have a lot of other, bigger problems to worry about right now trust me. The question of "who really has a problem with it" is important. I used to have up to 100 friends, parties, gatherings, dinner, constant attention. To make this short and organized I'm gonna divide the different aspects of my current situation in categories :) I'm not a native english speaker so if there are mistakes I apologize in advance. My advice would be to make friends before you try to date anyone. Hey folks. Some things come with time and maturity. Award. “We used to party and hang out late till like 3-4 AM. Honestly I have friends and have had a long term girlfriend, and I'm still lonely. Hey everyone so I've posted on reddit before but I'm still looking for some advice or support. I left not feeling the best about myself. She can make a ton of new friends - in fact, I encourage it. I'm a 22 year old male with no friends, no girlfriend, zero social life, no work experience and basically no life. Watch "When Harry met Sally" with her. [new] EDIT: We've been long distance for about 11 months now and she is coming to meet me this weekend, but we've never been on a trip before. Then it's just about developing relations to a point, if all you do is see people at work and the connection ends there. Which, to be fair, may not be all that easy. I usually say Friendly Local Gaming Stores, go play some board games and meet some people. please. It goes beyond good looks and ugly. 6. Two weeks later my girlfriend who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with breaks up with me for no real reason. It was hard, and still is, but three years later I am way much better, even if somedays are harder than other, even if sometime I fell asleep wishing I never wake up, even if from time to time I wish I never exist. I console her and try talking to her about her feelings. I hate her. I am extremely lonelyand I feel more and more that I will die alone. All you can really do is work on yourself and distract yourself with hobbies and such, and don't let people use you, and try not to fall for the first woman who comes along. No friends. If these friends of yours, both male and female, don't influence you in the decisions you make with your relationship (outside of you requesting help from them), then she needs to actually recognize that. They tend to not be ambitious, lack drive, and tend to not improve much as a person. It's a bit weird when a guy has a ton of friends, none of whom he's really close with. I still feel the same way I have felt these last 6 years basically. jerryk414. Or at least ones she hangs out with often. Am I being ungrateful? Idk I just feel alone. boys who have hobbies, girlfriends (or experienced sexual A lot of people have very little to no friends and it's not easy to make friends that stick around. A lonely person who wants friends but doesn't have them is very likely going to develop some really unhealthy/unreasonable expectations of me. I've noticed it's a lot harder to make long term guy friends compared to women, men tend to be more reclusive and the "loner" types. : r/depression. I'm quiet and have social anxiety and it never really got better. I’ve done online school throughout high school, and have literally no friends. Pretty much what the title says. 1. Don't worry man, London is a very lonely place. Having no friend group is so embarrassingg. Still never had a relationship with a woman, and the only friend I have is an old high school friend whom I only text, we never meet in person because he always comes up with an excuse. I've suffered with social anxiety since the age of 12. Trying to push her to change is just a good way to lose her, as we tend to be firm in our desire not to be arsed with friends. This particular revelation came during a very gentle discussion with someone I loved and felt secure with. Accept that fact and the make a stay or go decision. My girlfriend continues crying and telling me she has no friends. Once you tell yourself that you are an anxious wreck with no friends, it could become a self-fulfilling prophecy. That’s literally the biggest red flag Apr 28, 2024 · Book clubs and various crafting groups may also be options for you. It's the easiest way to lose weight. Reply. Girlfriend has no friends. WikenOG. Girls that age are still a little bit in college mode where they still like the flirting and attention. There's a reason why they have the stereotype of being douchebags. My (24m) girlfriend (21f) of two years lacks any friends at all. 3 to 5 years from now, all of those guy friends will pretty much disappear but it’s pretty common for girls in their early and mid-20s to still do the guy friends thing. : r/confession. I spend all my time alone. 26 y/o no job, Living with parents, no friends, no girlfriend. You need to settle for mere company before you can make true friends. Basically if no one is my friend, then I will become the friend. Living with someone is a pretty close relationship. Tell her she's being an irrational, overly controlling pain in the ass and that her paranoia does not justify you cutting contact with old friends. Girlfriend [30f] doesn't have any friends. Nothing wrong with a woman having male friends, it's actually healthy. I’m 17, and about to graduate. The vast majority of people haven't had relationships at 16. • 8 yr. Go get your fucking life in order man and get some direction then the chicks will start coming. Im average looking at best, chronically…. Just go out and have some fun, you're bound to meet people and get talking, my girlfriend and I just go out for a few drinks all the time and always meet people. They're literally my age it's supposed to be the easiest thing and yet I don’t care if she has friends. I'm constantly surrounded by people, with their friends, having fun, hanging out and laughing together. It honestly made me cry. I don’t care if she has ONLY guy friends, even. I’ve been extremely sheltered my entire life, and don’t have social skills, so I Girlfriends friends are toxic. Up to now I've never had a girlfriend and struggled making friends. Friendliness and sociability are skills that can improve with practice. If she can't take that, leave her. As the title says, I'm 18 and my life just sucks. She is the woman I want to marry. 34 year old male here. SomeArtist. I literally never have anyone to hang out with. • 11 yr. Hope it doesn't, but to women, status is very important. Join some meet-ups, volunteering, work, school, clubs, teams, gym, etc. As someone who doesn’t have friends but has had successful long term relationships: it took me a while to understand that this was a burden on my significant other. No friends, no girl, no money, no hope. I don't have like a lot of friends, maybe like 4 very close friends, but only 1 is a guy. Find out if she has physical problems (e. A guide to having a shitty life. I have no social life. There may be some underlying mental disorder/s, that is not going to magically disappear when dating. . X (formerly Twitter) is filled with posts just like this one: “Idk why dudes would ever wife a chick with no female friends. The only time it was easy was while in school and college started getting difficult. I didn't want to admit it but I am severely depressed and think about dying every day. We’ve been together for 3 years now. Boyfriend (32M) has no friends! [new] tldr: boyfriend has no friends and I dont know what to think about it. But I don’t have any friends and sometimes that can be extremely lonely. If he's clearly waiting behind glass "In case of emergency," then you have different options than if he's just a good dude. My girlfriend has absolutely no close friends apart from me. You got what you got with her. Go out of your way to meet as many people as possible, you will make some friends. That said, I'm married, I have multiple female friends. I'm 25. Your best bet is to find activities you enjoy and find people with that common interest by doing that activity in public/group events and stuff. ThrowRA_rocker. It's literally just two people agreeing to be that close to one another. Being lonely is. There are some good conversations about men and women being friends. Girlfriend says I can’t have girl friends but she can have guy friends. No girlfriend, barely any friends, and yet I love my life. Not really sure where to put this, I guess I put it here because I have no-one else to turn to. First off I wanna say this isn’t a sad post by any means. I would try to be at every function, and felt like it was the end of the world if I couldn’t attend a party. EDIT2: Another detail I missed out, last year she had to leave because of COVID and we couldn't celebrate her birthday Me ( m26) and my girlfriend (f29) have been together for year and half and she has male friends and I told her I don’t like her having male friends and she say I can’t do anything about them, but when I tell her I’ll have female friends she’s starting acting like I’m saying I’m going to cheat and tell me no it’s different for her because she has them before us but I do it just to He has to realize that not everyone is looking for a new friend. Definitely easier said than done Yep. One live across the country from me and one works full time and is in a long term relationship so I rarely see them. If it's really just low libido (not impossible), then hormone treatments can change things dramatically. And social media is no different. Got out of it 2-3 months ago. Maybe it's because I'm weird/ awkward/ugly. 3. I cling to my bf all the time and he clings to me all the time too altho he has some friends and some hobbies. The last thing I can advice is to not get set in your old ways. In the following months after trying unsuccessfully dozens of times to make plans with friends I realized I don't have anyone to turn to. She's beautiful, kind, loving, and is always trying to do things for me and others. Her: “Whaat…”. I am new to this subreddit and I am so glad, that I am apparently not the only one who is lonely. He claims that they are platonic friends, but she has invited him over for I am still not really independent. Just surround yourself with people who you’re guaranteed to have common interests with. g. We moved to a new area for us both but halfway between our families. korkdaddy69. I also have immense envy towards teenagers, especially younger boys, who are living better lives than me. Not having friends isn't a red flag for me. It really isn't strange to be a loner in this city. If that is truly their red flag, whether because they don't like the body language of the guy approaching them or something else, thats up to them. Once that message sinks through, let her know that this hurts you. If your girlfriend is the only one you deeply connect with, but you hang out with plenty of acquaintances, you're more okay. •. I knew going into the relationship that she was very introverted and had social anxiety, but I didn’t realize until later that she actually does not have ANYONE (besides myself and her family) who she sees regularly. daleonfire. I have a loving girlfriend. I’m 24 and feel like the most antisocial person in my town. Tell her that the relationship and your emotions are becoming strained because she has no outside world. You can't just find a true friend from the start. No friends = red flag. Now here we are, a year later, still no job, still no cleaning, no cooking, she literally sits in bed all day. It will feel as though I was talking to someone who actually cares. eo ri gn vu ky gy aw xn cq yn